When should you contact a tower?
When operating within a Class B, Class C, and Class D surface area, a pilot intending to make a low approach should contact the tower for approval.
When should you contact an approach or departure?
When one controller is handling approach and departure the norm is to contact approach when you’re inbound to the field and departure when you’re outbound. When you’re just passing through the norm is to contact approach because these are generically known as approach control facilities.
What frequency should be monitored if you are close to an airport that does not have a tower?
A MULTICOM frequency of 122.9 will be used at an airport that is non-towered and does not have a FSS or UNICOM.
What are the requirements for a contact approach to an airport that has an approved IAP?
Contact Approach Requirements: The reported ground visibility is at least 1 mile. The airport has a standard or special IAP. Approved separation is applied between aircraft so cleared and between these aircraft and other IFR or special VFR aircraft.
How far away can you accept a visual approach?
To clear an aircraft for the visual approach the ceiling must be at or above 1000 feet and 3 miles visibility.
How far out can you accept a visual approach?
“A Visual Approach is an approach conducted on an IFR flight plan which authorizes the pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. The reported ceiling at the airport must be at or above 1000 feet with visibility of three miles or greater.
How do I get out of uncontrolled airport?
If departing the traffic pattern, continue straight out to a distance of at least 2nm from the airport. Or, once you’re beyond the departure end of the runway, exit with a 45-degree turn in the direction of the traffic pattern after reaching pattern altitude.
Who can authorize a contact approach?
b. Controllers may authorize a contact approach provided: 1. The contact approach is specifically request- ed by the pilot.