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Why is durian fruit banned on public transportation?
Singapore has banned the transport of durian fruit on the subway. It is also not allowed in some hotels in Thailand, Japan, and Hong Kong because of its notorious smell, according to CNN.
Can you take durian on public transport?
3. Durians are banned from Singapore’s public buses and trains. Next to “No smoking”, “No eating or drinking” and “No flammable goods” signs in Singapore’s buses are the oddly specific signs of a crossed-out spikey icon that reads: No durians.
Can you take durian on a bus?
For the comfort of others, do not bring items on board the buses that may offend others, eg durians, pets. Buses are not allowed to perform boarding/alighting activities outside of bus stops.
What country bans durian fruit on public transportation?
In fact, the smell is so bad that it has led Singapore (a country already famous for strict laws) to ban the durian fruit on all forms of public transportation, and even prohibit it in some hotels and public spaces.
Is durian illegal in Australia?
Biosecurity regulations in Australia dictate that any imported durian must be frozen, which means the only fresh durians available in the country come from a handful of farms in northern Australia.
Is durian banned in the UK?
While durians have long been available in Chinese supermarkets around Britain, this is the first time the prized Malaysian variety has been on sale in the UK, although thus far it is restricted to Loon Fung stores in London.
Is it illegal to bring durian on MRT?
No. It’s not even illegal to take it on the MRT (metro train), there are just signs advising you. Now, if you’re requested by the staff to remove your durian from the MRT then you must do so or face a maximum S$500 fine, but you can just comply and then you don’t get fined.
Is durian illegal in Singapore?
Due to its overpowering smell, durian has been banned on many types of public transport across Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong. In Singapore, the fruit is banned across all types of public transportation and even taxis have signs to let you know they refuse to carry passengers transporting the smelly fruit.
Why is soursop illegal?
When used orally, soursop is classified as likely unsafe, said Kellman, citing two studies. Eating the fruit could lead to movement disorders similar to Parkinson’s disease, according to a case-control study in the French West Indies.
Is durian toxic?
Durian seeds are POSSIBLY UNSAFE unless cooked. The raw seeds contain chemicals that are thought to be toxic and carcinogenic.
Where is durian banned?
Grown in many countries across tropical South East Asia, the spiky, stinky durian is an acquired taste. The fruit is loved and loathed in equal measure. Eating durian is banned in many outdoor spaces throughout Singapore and carrying it is prohibited on public transport because of its smell.
Can I bring durian in hotel?
Durian Fruit – Banned from public! Hotels, resorts, restaurants, subways, airports and taxis all commonly ban the fruit on their premises, so make sure you keep yours concealed when travelling around Singapore.