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Why has my cat got a bald patch on her neck?
By far the most common cause of a bald patch on your cat’s fur is fleas or other external parasites. Hair loss usually occurs when your cat has an allergic reaction to the fleas saliva causing them to overgroom. In these instances the bald patch can vary from small to quite large.
Does cat diabetes cause baldness?
Liver disease and diabetes can rarely cause death of skin tissue in old cats. The skin changes include redness, crusting, oozing, and hair loss on the face, genitals, and lower legs, as well as thickened skin and ulcers of the footpads. Itching and skin infections can also occur in cats with diabetes.
Do fleas cause hair loss in cats?
In some circumstances, external parasites such as fleas can cause feline acquired symmetric alopecia which could be signified by extensive hair loss down both sides of a cat’s body.
Can food allergies cause hair loss in cats?
Cat Hair Loss Due to Allergies Like humans, cats can suffer from both environmental and food-based allergies. Such allergies are a leading cause of feline alopecia and can present in patchy loss of hair and itchy, inflamed skin.
Why is my cat losing hair around collar?
“Every time the cat turns, the collar rubs against the skin, causing friction and stretching it out.” Much less frequently, cats may lose hair under a collar due to an allergic or inflammatory response, Dr. Coates said. In these cases, the skin often looks irritated or has visible lesions.
Why is my senior cat losing hair?
What causes hair loss in cats? Feline fur loss may have fungal and parasitic causes, such as ringworm, mites or flea allergies. Food allergies are another possibility, as are metabolic conditions such as hyperthyroidism, the term for over-production of thyroid hormones.
Why do cats lose their tufts of hair?
Some cats experience skin allergies, which can cause hair loss to occur. Parasites that bring about mange, and fungal issues like ringworm, are also common causes of cat alopecia, especially in younger cats or those with other health issues. Nervous disorders (e.g., over-grooming) can also cause hair loss in cats.
Why do cats lose patches of hair?
What makes a cat lose its hair?
Do collars hurt cats necks?
As useful as collars can be, unfortunately they can sometime lead to injuries. If a collar rubs your cat’s neck, it can cause hair loss. Also, longstanding collar use can suppress your cat’s hair growth permanently. During grooming, or when trying to remove a collar, cats can trap their jaw.