Table of Contents
- 1 Why do some Christians believe war is acceptable?
- 2 What does Christianity say about punishment?
- 3 Do you think wars Whatever the cause are ever justified?
- 4 What is war in the Bible?
- 5 What crimes should be punished by death?
- 6 What are some sins in Christianity?
- 7 Is war moral or immoral?
- 8 What is God’s view on war?
- 9 What is the Christian’s role in war?
- 10 Does the Bible say anything about the use of war?
- 11 Is it a sin to kill during a war?
Why do some Christians believe war is acceptable?
For many centuries Christians believed that it was right and proper to use violence (and thus war) to spread the faith and deal with its opponents. They did not regard violence as an inherently bad thing: whether it was bad or not depended on what it was being used for.
What does Christianity say about punishment?
Punishments ensure that justice is done. Christians do not believe in taking revenge when they have been wronged. They believe that they should forgive the sins of others, in the same way that they believe God forgives them for their sins.
What do Christians mean by a sinful action?
sin, moral evil as considered from a religious standpoint. Sin is regarded in Judaism and Christianity as the deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God.
Do you think wars Whatever the cause are ever justified?
A war is only just if it is fought for a reason that is justified, and that carries sufficient moral weight. The country that wishes to use military force must demonstrate that there is a just cause to do so. Sometimes a war fought to prevent a wrong from happening may be considered a just war.
What is war in the Bible?
From the serpent’s hostility to God in the Garden of Eden (Gn 3.1, 14–15) to his absolute and everlasting defeat in the final apocalyptic struggle (Rv 12.9; 20.9–10), there is in salvation history an underlying, unifying, multicolored theme of warfare between God and his enemies.
What the Bible says about crime and punishment?
In Leviticus Chapter 24, verses 17 through 21 quote the Lord instructing Moses in words that uphold the death penalty and include the phrase, “If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.”
What crimes should be punished by death?
The capital offenses include espionage, treason, and death resulting from aircraft hijacking. However, they mostly consist of various forms of murder such as murder committed during a drug-related drive-by shooting, murder during a kidnapping, murder for hire, and genocide.
What are some sins in Christianity?
According to Roman Catholic theology, the seven deadly sins are the seven behaviours or feelings that inspire further sin. They are typically ordered as: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.
How can wars be justified?
Is war moral or immoral?
Some people argue that the Just War doctrine is inherently immoral, while others suggest that there is no place for ethics in war. Still others argue that the doctrine doesn’t apply in the conditions of modern conflicts. war so disrupts the normal rules of society that morality goes out of the window.
What is God’s view on war?
Most Christians believe that war should be avoided if possible, and should only be undertaken if all efforts to resolve an issue by peaceful means have failed. Many Christians see war as the result of a failure to live by God’s standards.
What does Jesus say about wars?
In his prophecies of the Last Things, Jesus spoke of the wars of the future. He said that nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, that wars and rumours of wars would be heard of, that Judaea would be devastated, Jerusalem besieged and taken by the gentiles, and the Temple defiled and destroyed.
What is the Christian’s role in war?
No classification of wars can place them in the duties of Christians. It matters not whether they be offensive or defensive wars; the practice of soldiery cannot be a duty of the Christian. To the Christian, a war between armies or nations is only a great big fight between two opposing forces.
Does the Bible say anything about the use of war?
Many Christians who believe this point to evidence in the Bible. In Genesis 14, Abraham’s war was an example of fighting against unjust oppressors. There are also instances when God used war to fight evil nations.
What is selectivism and why should Christians care?
Selectivism, on the other hand, is when Christians participate in what they believe are just wars. Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.
Is it a sin to kill during a war?
Killing during a war is not a sin if it is apt to the circumstances. Looking first at was written before the New Testament (ROMANS 15:4) 1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: