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Why do some beaches have clear blue water?
While you might think pollution turns clear water murky, there’s usually a different explanation. Some beaches have crystal clear water while others are murky and gray. That’s when the warmer surface temperatures of the ocean move further out to sea and are replaced with deeper, colder and more sediment-rich waters.
Why is the water so blue in the Bahamas?
The blue color of the ocean comes from the absorption of red and green light wavelengths by the water. The blue is reflected to be received by your eyes and the light blue is a response to sunlight reflecting off the powdery white sands and corals on the bottom.
Why does ocean water have different colors?
Oceans appear blue because the sunlight scatters across the molecules. Light from the sun is made up of a spectrum of different wavelengths. The longer wavelengths appear to our eyes as the reds and oranges, while the shorter ones appear blue and green.
Why is sea water turquoise?
Water can absorb all colors except for a couple. However, there are two major wavelengths of light that aren’t absorbed. Those colors are Blue and Green. In fact, water acts as a reflector against Blue and Green, thus causing the water to appear in a turquoise color.
Why is the water on some beaches blue?
As it happens, several factors play a role in distinguishing the sparkly, blue water of certain coasts from the dirty, puddle-like water on other beaches – from the rotation of the planet to the ingredients in the water. The water in Earth’s oceans moves from west to east as a result of the planet’s rotation.
Why is the bottom of the ocean blue?
A glass of water will, of course, appear clear as visible light passes through it with little to no obstruction. But if a body of water is deep enough that light isn’t reflected off the bottom, it appears blue. Basic physics explains why: Light from the sun is made up of a spectrum of different wavelengths.
Why is the water bluer in the tropics?
The more water you’ve got, the bluer the tropical waters look. There are some factors that boost the appearance of blue: surface reflection of the sky, for instance, and the color of the ocean bottom — if it’s white it will also tend to reflect the sky and amplify the blue of the water.
What determines the color of the ocean water?
Many factors affect the exact color of water — sediment and nutrients can make it appear murky, while nearby coral reefs can keep water clear — but the tint comes from blue wavelengths of light absorbed from the sun. If you’re looking to take in some cool shades while lounging in the surf, here are some destinations worth a trip. 1. The Maldives