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Why do radiation workers wear a film badge?
A film badge dosimeter monitors your radiation exposure to prevent you from exposure to over 10\% of the allowable radiation limit (ALARA). The radiation badge measures the amount of radiation your body is exposed to so that you do not absorb large amounts of ionizing radiation.
How does a radiation badge work?
There is a lightproof packet of photographic film inside the badge. The more radiation this absorbs, the darker it becomes when it is developed. To get an accurate measure of the dose received, the badge contains different materials that the radiation must penetrate to reach the film.
Who should wear a radiation badge?
All users of medical x-ray equipment (C-arms, fluoro units, therapy units) must wear badges. Those using larger quantities of radioactive materials will also be provided badges.
What are radiation badges called?
A radiation badge is also called a dosimeter badge, a device that workers wear daily if they work in facilities with high amounts of radiation.
How often should radiation badges be changed?
Badges are exchanged quarterly. You should expect to receive your new badges a day or two before the start of each calendar quarter.
When should radiation monitoring badges be worn?
Individuals are required to obtain and wear radiation badges to monitor exposure if they: Operate fluoroscopic x-ray units or work in areas where fluoroscopic x-ray units are used. Operate therapeutic x-ray units. Administer radiopharmaceuticals to patients.
Why do some health care professionals wear radiation detection badges?
Note: If you are issued a badge, you must wear it whenever you are working near radiation. These badges provide legal records of accumulated radiation exposure for a lifetime; therefore, it is imperative that they are used when issued.
Are radiology techs exposed to radiation?
Radiologists and radiologic technologists were among the earliest occupational groups exposed to ionizing radiation and represent a large segment of the working population exposed to radiation from human-made sources.
How should dosimeter badges be worn?
Place the badge in the neck or chest area, facing the radiation source. If you wear a lead apron, the badge must be OVER the lead, not underneath it. One exception to this rule is the “fetal monitor” as issued to declared pregnant worker (DPW), which is worn in the abdominal area and underneath the lead.
How are we exposed to radiation on a daily basis?
Average U.S. Doses and Sources All of us are exposed to radiation every day, from natural sources such as minerals in the ground, and man-made sources such as medical x-rays.