Why do gifted students get depressed?
Some say that gifted children are more prone to depression and suicide because of their heightened sensitivities, perfectionism, introversion, overachieving behaviors, existential concerns, and feeling like they don’t fit in.
Are gifted kids shy?
Shyness exists in the gifted population just as it does in all other groups of people. Likewise, the specific type and severity of shyness is highly variable.
Are gifted students introvert?
How are giftedness and temperament related, and what do teachers need to know about this topic? In some respects, they are not related at all. The gifted child may be either introverted or extroverted. That said, research suggests that introversion occurs at a significantly higher rate among gifted individuals.
What does it mean to be a gifted and talented student?
“The term ‘gifted and talented,’ when used with respect to students, children or youth, means students, children or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not…
Do gifted students learn differently from non-gifted students?
Researchers and educators now say that gifted students do learn differently from their non-gifted peers in at least 11 ways. Gifted students learn new material much faster than their peers.They process information similar to the way adults do it by capitalizing on patterns of information.
Is giftedness capable or achievement?
Most people understand that giftedness entails being bright and having high potential, and existing definitions of giftedness typically focus on capability and achievement as identifiers of giftedness. The federal definition of giftedness, originally developed in 1971 and called the Marland report, revolves around “high achievement capability”:
Should I send my child to a school for gifted children?
If you don’t send your child to a school for gifted children, it is still possible to find online support groups, including forums that allow both children and parents to develop friendships and exchange ideas. Learn more about motivating children to learn and encouraging exceptional students.