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Why do aquatic plants have spongy stem?
Ans) Floating aquatic plants have spongy bodies to make them light and help them to float on water.
How do aquatic plants get light?
The light has a special role. Aquatic plants get water and carbon dioxide from their aquatic environment and, like the land plants, light energy from the sun. Even though the plant is underwater, it still gets its energy from the sun because sunlight can pass through water.
What type of stem do underwater plants have and why?
Aquatic plants are supported by their buoyancy in water and do not need a rigid stem; flotation devices such as gas-filled stomata and intercellular spaces hold them upright and enable them to grow toward the water surface and obtain sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis. On land,… …
Which type of aquatic plants have light and spongy stems?
Floating plants: like duckweed, piste and water hyacinth are light and spongy.
Why does water hyacinth have a light and spongy stem?
Aquatic plants are plants that “float in water” or are “partially or totally submerged in water”. In this case, the plants that float on the surface of the water require stems that must be light and spongy to enable the plant to float easily on the surface of the water.
Which roots are soft and spongy terrestrial or aquatic?
Aquatic Roots are soft and spongy.
Why can aquatic plants adapt to water?
Aquatic plants require special adaptations for living submerged in water, or at the water’s surface. The most common adaptation is the presence of lightweight internal packing cells, aerenchyma, but floating leaves and finely dissected leaves are also common.
How do aquatic plants survive without sunlight?
The amount of light energy absorbed by an underwater plant is less than the energy that is available to land plants. Some plant species have anatomical, cellular or biochemical adaptations that allow them to carry out photosynthesis successfully in deep or murky water despite the decreased availability of sunlight.
Why do some aquatic plants float on water?
Aquatic plants do float in the water as they possess special adaptations to remain on surface of water or remain submerged in water. These plants possess a lot of spongy cells full of air which helps them float on surface of water. These cells are called aerenchyma.
How do aquatic plants breathe underwater?
Oxygen dissolves into water from two sources: the atmosphere and from plants in the water. In the presence of sunlight, these produce oxygen through photosynthesis and release this oxygen into the pond water. At night and on very cloudy days, algae and submerged plants remove oxygen from the water for respiration.
Why do aquatic plants have long and hollow stem?
The lotus plants have hollow and spongy stem filled with air. This makes them light and helps them to float on water.
Why do aquatic plants have spongy bodies Class 4?
These plants are like sponge. There are numbers of empty spaces throughout their body, which is filled with air. This makes the plant light enough to float in the water.