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When should I worry about horizontal foundation cracks?
While you’re under your house in a basement or crawlspace, you’re looking for any cracks or signs of damage. If you find long horizontal cracks, leaning, or bowing walls, you are in dangerous territory. If the foundation walls are made of concrete block, the cracks may look like stair-steps.
What does a horizontal crack in a basement wall mean?
Horizontal wall crack means that a bowing effect has begun, usually due to hydrostatic pressure against the wall. Bowing wall(s) occur most often due to the force of hydrostatic (water) pressure. During the winter months, the ground freezes and the expanding water in the soil will press the soil against basement walls.
Are horizontal foundation cracks always bad?
Horizontal cracks are generally caused by soil pressure and are normally worse than vertical cracks. The horizontal cracks can be the direct result of poor drainage and soil (or hydrostatic) pressure. These cracks are generally more serious in nature and require professional and immediate inspection and repair.
How much does it cost to fix a horizontal foundation crack?
Horizontal Foundation Crack Repair Cost The average cost of repairing even minor cracks is around $4,000. However, a horizontal crack spanning to an adjoining wall can be indicative of significant structural damage, and you could be looking at spending upward of $15,000 to repair.
When is a foundation crack serious?
Foundation cracks that run sideways (horizontally) are the most serious type of crack to look out for, as they can signal serious damage to your home’s foundation and structural integrity.
Can horizontal foundation cracks be repaired?
This is a simple process that many individuals may be able to complete themselves. Carbon fiber crack repair is one of the most common methods of fixing horizontal foundation cracks.
Are basement wall cracks normal?
It’s not uncommon to be in any basement and notice a few cracks here or there. Yes, they can be frustrating to the homeowner, but they’re a common occurrence. Stress points are one of the reasons cracks are created in your walls. They can occur when you’re installing lines for the electric, gas or sewer.
How do you fix horizontal cracks in walls?
The best way to repair a crack in drywall is to re-tape the joint. This involves scraping away the loose tape and crumbled bits of drywall mud, sanding the surface smooth, and then filling the crack with drywall compound and applying new tape.
What is a horizontal crack in foundation?
Horizontal foundation cracks are signs of serious problems. The cracks are caused by hydrostatic pressure, which is water pressure pushing your foundation walls inward. Water causes the soil beneath a home to move, resulting in settling, cracks, bowed walls, and other foundation issues.
What do horizontal foundation cracks mean?
What causes vertical cracks in basement walls?
Vertical cracks that appear anywhere on the wall can be caused by thermal expansion, when the sun heats up the wall they may expand and crack. Moisure that freezes can cause something known as frost thaw which also causes cracks in walls. Lintels are made from metal and therefore can expand and contact.
How to fix a cracked basement wall?
The best (and least invasive) method to repair a leaking wall crack is to inject a high-viscosity polyurethane polymer into the crack. Unlike epoxy , polyurethane can bond well to both wet and dry concrete, and its high viscosity will allow it to fill even hairline cracks.
How to seal a crack in a basement wall?
1) Discover the Source of the Problem. In order to seal the walls of your basement, you will first have to find the source of the problem. 2) Fill in Any Obvious Cracks. Even if you are not sure that you want to seal and waterproof the walls of your basement, you will have to go 3) Apply Concrete Sealers. After you have sealed all the individual cracks and gaps that were present in the walls of your basement, you need to pick the right 4) Apply Acrylic Sealers. The other case is where the walls of your basement are painted. 5) Check the Exterior. Once you are satisfied that the interior is sealed properly, it is recommended that you determine whether the exterior is secure so that the foundation 6) Check Things That Are Close to Your Basement. One other way water enters the basement is when external sources come into the picture. 7) Consider Alternatives. Different situations call for additional steps to be taken, especially when the leaks are more severe.
Why do basement walls start to crack?
Lateral loads and pressure against the wall