Table of Contents
What was the effect of martial law on literature?
Martial Law caused trauma to everyone, especially those who were severely affected by it. This pushed Filipino writers to write outstanding stories that depict the cruelty of the Marcos Administration. Each stories represent the hardships that Filipino’s had to face during Marcos’ reign.
What were the languages used in writing during martial law?
In martial-law era schools, both Hokkien and Mandarin were utilized as the media of instruction for Chinese classes.
What is the meaning of literature of circumvention?
They had to resort to what was called the “literature of circumvention” or the “literature of detour” — the use of cunning and subterfuge through literary devices such as allegory and myth in exposing the enemy in state-controlled publications.
What is literary protest?
Zinn described protest literature as “any form of communication that engages social consciousness and may move someone to action.” Such works may shock us into action by informing us of problems we were unaware of, like the work of Upton Sinclair or Rachel Carson.
How can a literary work be categorized under Philippine literature?
Literature in this period may be classified as religious prose and poetry and secular prose and poetry.
What is meant by literature is crude on ideology and phraseology?
– Crude on ideology and phraseology. Oral literature. -Literature that has been passed on by word of mouth. – This has Riddles, Proverbs, and Tanaga. Riddles.
How is literature used for protest?
Opening the discussion, Stauffer defined protest literature as “text that not only criticizes and protests society, but that suggests, either explicitly or implicitly, a solution to society’s ills.” The timing of the film, photograph or book also played a key role in his definition.
What is the role of literary activism?
Literary activism strives to express experiences that foster a community of people who participate in a larger conversation to reduce suffering, promote equality, and increase general well-being.