What is the secret in Scientology?
Scientologists don’t believe in mental illnesses. They deny mental illness and afflictions. They promote that you can heal your psychosomatic issues with their ‘technology. ‘ They will get in the way of people taking medications. They will prevent people from getting the real medical help that they need.
How does Scientology E meter work?
The device above is a Hubbard electro-psychometer (E-meter): a crude lie detector used by Scientology auditors (counselors) to examine a person’s mental state. Scientologists claim the device allows people to “see a thought”. In the hands of a trained auditor, they believe it can uncover “hidden crimes”.
What is Scientology and what does it believe?
Scientology addresses the spirit—not the body or mind—and believes that Man is far more than a product of his environment, or his genes. Scientology comprises a body of knowledge which extends from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these are: Man is an immortal spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.
What is Dianetics and Scientology?
The extraordinary achievement of Dianetics and Scientology has been the development of exact, precise methods to increase Man’s spiritual awareness and capabilities. Other efforts along this line provided only sporadic or temporary results, if any. When using Scientology, life-enhancing improvements can be obtained when exactly applied.
What are the ethical standards of Scientology?
Scientology teaches that spiritual progress requires and enables the attainment of high “ethical” standards. In Scientology, rationality is stressed over morality. Actions are considered ethical if they promote survival across all eight dynamics, thus benefiting the greatest number of people or things possible while harming the fewest.
Who are some famous people who are Scientologists?
Other famous adherents include John Travolta, Michael Pena, Kirstie Alley, Catherine Bell, Elisabeth Moss, and dozens more, while just as many celebrities are among the ranks of former Scientologists. David Miscavige is the leader of the church of Scientology.