Table of Contents
What is the purpose of gradient descent in neural network?
Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm which is commonly-used to train machine learning models and neural networks. Training data helps these models learn over time, and the cost function within gradient descent specifically acts as a barometer, gauging its accuracy with each iteration of parameter updates.
Why we need to use stochastic gradient descent rather than Stan dard gradient descent to train a convolutional neural network?
Stochastic gradient descent updates the parameters for each observation which leads to more number of updates. So it is a faster approach which helps in quicker decision making. Quicker updates in different directions can be noticed in this animation.
Is gradient descent sufficient for neural network?
Gradient descent finds a global minimum in training deep neural networks despite the objec- tive function being non-convex. The current pa- per proves gradient descent achieves zero train- ing loss in polynomial time for a deep over- parameterized neural network with residual con- nections (ResNet).
Why is gradient checking important?
What is Gradient Checking? We describe a method for numerically checking the derivatives computed by your code to make sure that your implementation is correct. Carrying out the derivative checking procedure significantly increase your confidence in the correctness of your code.
Why do we need Stochastic Gradient Descent?
According to a senior data scientist, one of the distinct advantages of using Stochastic Gradient Descent is that it does the calculations faster than gradient descent and batch gradient descent. Also, on massive datasets, stochastic gradient descent can converges faster because it performs updates more frequently.
Does gradient descent guarantee global minimum?
Gradient Descent is an iterative process that finds the minima of a function. This is an optimisation algorithm that finds the parameters or coefficients of a function where the function has a minimum value. Although this function does not always guarantee to find a global minimum and can get stuck at a local minimum.
How to optimize the loss function of a neural network using gradient descent?
In this post, we will see how we can use gradient descent to optimize the loss function of a neural network. Gradient Descent is an iterative algorithm to find the minimum of a differentiable function. It uses the slope of a function to find the direction of descent and then takes a small step towards the descent direction in each iteration.
Why do we use gradient descent for linear regression?
The main reason why gradient descent is used for linear regression is the computational complexity: it’s computationally cheaper (faster) to find the solution using the gradient descent in some cases. The formula which you wrote looks very simple, even computationally, because it only works for univariate case, i.e. when you have only one variable.
What are gradgradient problems in neural networks?
Gradient Problems are the ones which are the obstacles for Neural Networks to train. Usually you can find this in Artificial Neural Networks involving gradient based methods and back-propagation. But today in deep learning era, various alternate solutions are introduced eradicating the flaws of network learning.
Can gradient descent stop at a local maximum?
Regarding Marc Claesen’s answer, I believe that gradient descent could stop at a local maximum in situations where you initialize to a local maximum or you just happen to end up there due to bad luck or a mistuned rate parameter. The local maximum would have zero gradient and the algorithm would think it had converged.