What is the importance of additional subject in class 10?
The additional subject plays the role of a backup paper in case candidates fail to secure an overall good score due to lesser marks in one of the main subjects. Some of the most popular additional subjects for PCM group includes Physical Education, Computer Science, Home Science etc.
Does the marks of additional subject counted in percentage?
The percentage criteria by CBSE is “the marks of that additional subject are considered in which one scores higher”. So, your percentage should calculated by adding marks of English (Mandatory), Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Physical Education.
What is the role of additional subject in CBSE?
An additional subject is an extra subject which students are allowed to choose. CBSE has a separate list of subjects from which a student can choose. These subjects enable a student to have a backup in case they score fewer marks in one of the main subjects.
What is the advantage of additional subject?
An elective subject offered as an additional subject may replace one of the elective subjects offered by the candidate. It may also replace a language provided after replacement the candidate has English/Hindi as one of the languages.
What if student fail in additional subject?
In 12th class CBSE if the candidate fails in the additional subjects then they’ll be considered as pass and they’ll be sent to the next class. While calculating the percentage they’ll not consider the additional subject.
How many subjects are there in 10th CBSE?
The CBSE offers two streams in Class 10 — vocational and academic. Those opting for academic stream have to study five subjects — two languages, social science, mathematics and science. They have an option to chose an additional subject.
Can an additional subject replace the main subject in 12th?
If the Main Subject in which the student has got lowest marks is a language, it cannot be replaced by additional subjects like IT, IP, CS etc. But if the Additional Subject is a language (French, Sanskrit, German, Bengali, Kannada, etc.), it can replace the Main Subject. Hope it helps!
What happens if a student takes 6 subjects in 10th class?
If 6 subjects have been taken by a student, marks of the best 5 subjects are to be added for percentage calculation. In this case, as the student has 6 subjects, “Best Of 5” rule will be applied. The marks obtained in Mathematics will be replaced by those of the Additional Subject.
What is the best of 5 rule in CBSE 12th mathematics?
The marks obtained in Mathematics will be replaced by those of the Additional Subject. Again, in this case, C has 6 subjects. So, the “Best Of 5” rule will apply. However, in this case, the score in the 5 Main Subjects is equal to the score in the best 5 subjects.