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What is the best non surgical treatment for bunions?
Six Non-surgical Treatments for Bunions
- Properly fitting shoes. This is one of the simplest things people with bunions can do to increase their comfort.
- Custom orthotics, or arch supports.
- Bunion splints and toe spacers.
- Oral or topical medications.
- Steroidal injections.
- Strengthening exercises.
Can you really correct bunions without surgery?
One of the most common questions our podiatrists are asked is: Can bunions be corrected without surgery? And the answer is: Surgery is the only way to get rid of bunions once they form and become a problem. However, surgery isn’t your only treatment option to relieve bunion pain.
Do bunion correctors really work?
Do bunion correctors really work? Research suggests that bunion correctors aren’t effective at realigning your big toe or at getting rid of bunions. But they may help provide some temporary pain relief, while you wear them.
Can you reverse bunions naturally?
It’s only in advanced cases you cannot reverse a bunion, so we know that through conservative management approaches you can start to straighten a big toe which in effect starts to straighten a bunion.
Can bunions be shrunk?
It is well proven that you can treat a bunion naturally, whether they ‘shrink’ in size depends on a couple of factors.
Do toe spacers help bunions?
There are several non-surgical treatments for bunions, but it’s important to keep in mind that these treat the symptoms and do not correct the joint deformity. These include bunion pads, toe spacers, and bunion splints, which help to realign the foot to normal position.
What is non-surgical treatment for bunions?
Non-surgical bunion treatment consists of a hands on approach to treat the underlying cause of your bunion by strengthening the muscles in your foot. During treatment you can maintain your normal activity and there is no restriction on footwear. How is Foot Mobilisation Therapy used to treat bunions?
How can orthotics help with bunion pain?
Some modifications and corrections can be built into the orthotic to off-weight pressure to the bunion area. Comfortable shoes with a soft and wide toe box can allow the foot to stretch out without putting pressure on the base of the big toe. These include silicone gel sleeves that cushion directly over the bunion prominence.
How long does it take to recover from bunion surgery?
Surgery may also involve removing the enlarged portion of the bunion region, cutting and realigning the bone, and correcting the position of the tendons and ligaments. By using a special plate with Lapidus procedures, our patients are able to put weight on their foot after only 2-3 weeks, rather than the typical 6-8 weeks.
Why is the stage of my bunion important?
The stage of your bunion can help doctors determine what treatment options are best for you. Because a bunion is a progressive deformity that tends to get worse over time, without treatment, it is more likely to grow and progress to the next stage.