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What is the best app for Ntse?
Our NTSE (National Talent Search Exam) Android App is useful for all those contenders targeting the NTSE in 2020. Our App offers Mock Tests, Solved Sample Papers, Previous Year Question Papers with detailed solutions and relevant marking schemes.
Which is the best free app for Ntse preparation?
Ntseguru app is the best substitute for ntse books and other ntse apps in the market. Classroom learning is the most effective way of learning.
Where can I attempt Allen Online test series?
You may attempt online test by using any device PC, Laptop by visiting or on Mobile using TestMyPrep App (for Android Phone by downloading TestMyPrep Android App from Google Play Store and for iPhones by downloading the TestMyPrep iOS App from Apple App Store).
What is the NTSE exam?
Class level – NTSE is the 10 th class level examination. Exam duration – 2 hour at each level for each paper (MAT and SAT), i.e. 240 minutes in all. MAT stands for mental aptitude test and SAT stands for Scholastic aptitude test. Scholarship amount for class 11 and 12 – 1200rs per month.
Can a Class X student appear for NTSE?
Only Class X students are eligible to appear for NTSE. Boost your competitive & Recruitment exam preparation. Join the India’s best online test platform to save time and improve your scores exams. 75\% of exam preparation success is practice , practice and tests! Practice with Online Tests India’s Mock Test and crack your Exams.
When will NTSE Stage 1 answer keys 2017-2018 be released?
NTSE Stage 1 Answer Keys 2017- 2018 : The Stage 1 examination of NTSE 2018 was conducted on 4th and 5th November 2017 across various states and Union territories throughout India. The official answer key would be released by NCERT in about two weeks after the exam.
What is the difference between Stage 1 and Stage 2 in NTSE?
NTSE is divided into Stage 1 and Stage 2. In both the stages, subjects, and syllabus are the same. But there is a little bit difference between stage 1 and stage 2 and it depends on the pattern and organizing factors. So it is essential to have a clear understanding of both the tiers.