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What is Rebel a nickname for?
French: from a variant of Old French rebelle ‘rebel’, hence a nickname for someone with little respect for authority or someone who had taken part in a rebellion.
Why is Rebel a name?
The name Rebel is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Defiant Person.
Is Rebel a common name?
How common is the name Rebel for a baby born in 2020? Rebel was the 2028th most popular girls name and 2399th most popular boys name. In 2020 there were only 90 baby girls and only 54 baby boys named Rebel. 1 out of every 19,456 baby girls and 1 out of every 33,915 baby boys born in 2020 are named Rebel.
Is Rebel a good name for a girl?
The best name for a rebel baby girl could also be the most obvious: Rebel. It’s a cute, unusual name that means exactly what it sounds like — and being named after the talented comedian and actress Rebel Wilson is just a bonus.
Why choose a rebellious name for your child?
Just because a child has a name that sounds rebellious doesn’t mean they need to have the attitude of an anarchist, and we know just the right names to give a child a rad identity that’s all their own.
What happens when a child is a rebel?
Kids and family A rebellious child has the potential to give his parents sleepless nights. With a defiant attitude and deliberately disobedient actions, a rebel kid can really drive parents up the wall, big time.
What does it mean to be a rebel?
A rebel is, in simple terms, someone who is persistently disobedient to authority, deliberately opposing or defying it. Of course, “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child” (Proverbs 22:15). So, it’s quite normal that all children occasionally oppose parental authority or the authority of others.
Where did little rebel names come from?
Little rebel names originated anywhere from the utmost of English loyalty to the Golden Hollywood era, when celebrities could sweep audiences off their feet and everyone loved the bad boy.