What is hell supposed to be like according to The Bible?
It’ll be beyond anything humanly imaginable! The Bible describes it as ),weeping (Matt 8:12), wailing (Matt 13:42), gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:50), darkness (Matt 25:30), flames (Luke 16:24), burning (Isa 33:14), torments (Luke 16:23 everlasting punishment!
What does hell mean in The Bible?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In Christian theology, Hell is the place or state into which, by God’s definitive judgment, unrepentant sinners pass in the general judgment, or, as some Christians believe, immediately after death (particular judgment).
Is hell and the lake of fire the same place?
The lake of fire appears in both ancient Egyptian and Christian religion as a place of after-death punishment of the wicked. The phrase is used in five verses of the Book of Revelation. In the biblical context, the concept seems analogous to the Jewish Gehenna, or the more common concept of Hell.
What is gnashing of teeth in hell?
The phrase “gnash the teeth” is found in Acts 7:54, in the story of the stoning of Stephen. “Gnashing of teeth” means grinding one’s teeth together, having one’s teeth set on edge, or biting down in pain, anguish, or anger.
Is Hell Hell a biblical concept?
Hell is not a Biblical concept. Much of the Bible is debatable. Much of the Bible is open to numerous interpretations. There are many theological stances that can be convincingly argued both for AND against.
What are some common misconceptions about Hell?
Like belief in the immortality of the soul, common misconceptions of hell are rife with the ideas of men rather than the teachings of the Bible. The popular concept of hell is a mixture of small bits of Bible truth combined with pagan ideas and human imagination.
What is the destruction of the soul and body in Hell?
The destruction of soul and body in hell. But when God destroys one in hell ( gehenna ), the resulting death is eternal. There is no resurrection from this fate, which the Bible calls “the second death.” The Bible explains that unrepentant sinners are cast into the lake of fire, or gehenna, at the end of the age.
What does the Bible say about the death of the wicked?
Say to them, ‘As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then will you die, O house of Israel?’ Do not be gracious to any who are treacherous in iniquity. Selah. When the wicked are cut off, you will see it.