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What is a dependency waiver?
A dependent waiver is required when an applicant is married with more than two dependents under the age of 18 or when an applicant is unmarried and has custody of any dependents under the age of 18.
How do you get a waiver for the military?
If you need a waiver, that means you are ineligible to join the military. The waiver is the process of you asking the service to make an exception in your particular case. The recruiter is the first step. Only a military recruiter can initiate a moral waiver request.
What has no more than two dependents?
DoD generally prohibits the enlistment of any applicant who has more than two dependents under the age of 18. While the Services are allowed to waive this policy, they often will not.
How many dependents can I have in the army?
You may be able to join the Army National Guard with four dependents, but you often have to seek a waiver and your options will be more limited. The standard limit is two or fewer dependents in addition to a spouse. If you are single, you typically can’t have dependents or pay child support for two or more dependents.
Do you need a waiver to join the Army?
If you fall into one of these categories, you will need a waiver to join the Army. This is basically the case in any branch of the military, although other branches may be stricter.
What kind of crimes can you get a waiver from the military?
Sometimes, the military will grant waivers for more serious crimes, such as assault, burglary and drug possession. The Army and the Marine Corps did this back in 2008 with the Army granting 511 felony waivers, which was up by nearly double from the year before.
Can you enlist in the Marine Corps without a medical waiver?
However, permanent disqualifications require you to receive a medical waiver since the condition is not going to change with time. Consequently, the Marine Corps (like other branches) does not allow enlistment without an approved waiver.
If you have two or more misdemeanors, you will be subject to a suitability review. If it is determined you do require a waiver, you will not be permitted to enlist until that waiver is granted. As with the Army, you will not necessarily be prevented from enlisting in the Navy by having a misdemeanor on your record.