What happens when you report missing mail informed delivery?
The postal inspection service will take it from there. Each letter shown in informed delivery has a box under it you can check if you have not received that particular piece. Contact the post office and let them know you are not receiving your mail. It may be a new or substitute carrier.
How long does it take USPS to investigate a missing package?
Generally speaking, USPS makes claim decisions within 5 to 10 days.
Why do some packages not show up on informed delivery?
Why may some of the mail I receive not show up in my Informed Delivery® notification? Only mail processed on USPS® automated equipment is included in the Informed Delivery notification. Not all mail (e.g., magazines and catalogues) is processed this way, so they cannot appear in the Informed Delivery notification.
What happens when a carrier loses a package?
If the shipping carrier is unable to locate the packages, you need to file an insurance claim to cover the combined insured value of the lost packages. Remember that apart from the insurance sum, the carrier also has to fully refund the shipping costs for failing to deliver the package safely to the buyer.
Do packages always show up on Informed Delivery?
You can view the delivery status of packages at the bottom of your Informed Delivery® email. The daily email digest will not always show all packages destined to your address that day; i.e., items scanned into our system after the email has been sent.
Does Informed Delivery ever miss packages?
Informed Delivery® provides notifications for mailpieces arriving soon – not necessarily mailpieces arriving that same day. Pieces can be delayed in getting to your mail carrier. Or, unfortunately, a mailpiece could be misdelivered. We ask that you allow several days for delivery after receiving the notification.