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What happens if you lose the Tournament of power?
The Tournament of Power ( 力 ちから の 大会 たいかい , Chikara no Taikai) is the name of the tournament held by Zeno and Future Zeno. The strongest warriors from eight out of the twelve Universes are participating, and any team who loses in this tournament will have their Universe erased from existence.
What would happen if Goku lost the Tournament of power?
Goku wouldn’t have had the foresight and wherewithal to all for all of the universes to be brought. He may have only asked for Universe 6. We know that’s what Vegeta was gonna wish for and Jiren had a secret wish that definitely wouldn’t have involved all of the other universes.
Who defeats top in Tournament of power?
In the anime, Top was defeated by base form Cumber without having done any damage to him. In the manga, Top is able to hold his own against Super Saiyan 3 Cumber, though is at a disadvantage against the Saiyan. Top takes on his Destroyer Form, forcing Cumber to become Super Saiyan 3 Full Power.
What time does the tournament of power start?
” On the 3,135,500,603 of the Royal Calendar, at precisely 1:57 o’clock, the Tournament of Power shall commence in all its glory. Ten warriors from each universe shall engage in epic combat! ” — ” Let’s Do It, Grand Zeno!
What happens at the end of the Dragon Ball Tournament?
The Universe with the most survivors by the end of the tournament will be the victor. The winner of the tournament is granted one limitless wish from the Super Dragon Balls. In the anime, if the warrior wishes for something selfish, then both Zenos will erase everything.
What is the tournament of power in Dragon Ball?
The Tournament of Power is the second (third if one counts the Timespace Tournament from Dragon Ball Fusions) Martial Arts tournament in the series to involve teams representing different Universes, the first being the Tournament of Destroyers.
What is the tournament of power in Broly?
Broly conflict The Tournament of Power (力 ちから の 大会 たいかい Chikara no Taikai) is the name of the tournament held by Zeno and Future Zeno. The strongest warriors from eight out of the twelve Universes are participating, and any team who loses in this tournament will have their Universe erased from existence.