What happened to Tarkin after a new hope?
Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire’s rule — fear of the station’s planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy’s star systems in line. He demonstrated the station’s power by destroying Alderaan, but died soon afterwards when the Death Star itself was destroyed.
When did Tarkin join the empire?
Grand Moff Tarkin. In an 18 BBY personal communique to the Emperor, Tarkin proposed means to ensure Imperial security as a culmination of military and political theories he had long been developing.
What happened to General Tarkin after the war?
Tarkin ultimately perished, however, when the Alliance to Restore the Republic succeeded in destroying the station at the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. As a result, his memory was tarnished in the views of some Imperial officers, such as Grand General Cassio Tagge, who referred to the Death Star as “Tarkin’s folly.”
What does Grand Moff Tarkin do in a new hope?
A New Hope. Introduced in the 1977 film Star Wars, the first film in the original Star Wars trilogy, Grand Moff Tarkin is the Governor of the Imperial Outland Regions, and commander of the Death Star. After Emperor Palpatine dissolves the Galactic Senate, Tarkin and Darth Vader are charged with pursuing and destroying the Rebel Alliance.
What happened to Grand Moff Tarkin in Death Star?
He orders the Death Star to destroy the Rebel base on Yavin IV. In the film’s climax, Tarkin refuses to believe that the Death Star is in danger from the Rebel starfighter attack; as a result, he refuses to evacuate. Subsequently, he is killed when Luke Skywalker succeeds in destroying the Death Star.
Why does Tarkin dismiss his lieutenant’s plea to evacuate the Death Star?
~ Tarkin arrogantly dismisses his lieutenant’s plea to evacuate the Death Star, after the latter analyzed that the battle station itself does indeed have a dangerous weakness which the Rebels attempt to exploit, ironically leading to his downfall.