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What does the Night King do?
The Night King could turn male human babies into White Walkers by pressing the tip of his finger to the baby’s cheek. The child’s skin would begin to pale and its eyes would turn the same blue as the other White Walkers. The Night King could raise and reanimate unburnt corpses as wights.
Why did the Night King destroy Westeros?
Just like he killed the previous Three-Eyed Raven, the Night King wanted to kill Bran Stark himself before continuing his invasion. The show gives the explanation that the Night King wants to erase the world and all memory of it. Sam theorizes that Bran carries all the memories with him so he is the obvious target.
What does the Night King want from Bran?
Crucially, Bran revealed that the Night King’s goal was to kill him. “He’ll come for me. He’s tried before many times, with many Three-Eyed Ravens,” Bran says. So it’s not just the two Three-Eyed Ravens we know, apparently–this conflict has played out before, according to Bran. And what does the Night King want? “An endless night,” the TER said.
How does the Night King raise the dead?
By now, GoT fans know the Night King can raise the dead (humans and animals, including dragons) as blue-eyed zombies called wights that fight for his Army of the Dead. He can also turn living babies into White Walkers, as we’ve seen him do with Craster’s sons.
What did we learn about the Night King in ‘Game of Thrones’?
We learned something new about the villain and his motivations in Season 8 Episode 2, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.”. Crucially, Bran revealed that the Night King’s goal was to kill him.
Why does the Night King want the White Walkers killed?
The Night King wants to eradicate humanity from Westeros—that is the purpose of the White Walkers (Others) as created by the children of the forest in ancient times. They are a weapon of mass destruction which grew out of control. Magical, sentient juggernauts are never a good idea, I suppose.