Table of Contents
What do you think about STEM education?
STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. Innovation leads to new products and processes that sustain our economy. This innovation and science literacy depends on a solid knowledge base in the STEM areas.
What is STEM strand about?
This strand is designed for students who desire to pursue college degrees centered on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This strand provides preparation for students in using science, math, engineering, and technology to solve real-life problems and advance national development.
What is the most interesting thing to you about STEM?
- People in STEM fields can expect to earn 26\% more money on average and be less likely to experience job loss.
- 92\% of boys and 97\% of girls lose interest in STEM if not engaged by the 5th grade (Dr. Kenneth Wesson, Educational Consultant: Neuroscience)
Why do I choose STEM strand?
Studying and working in STEM means learning about the world around you, finding innovative solutions to real-world challenges, and playing a role in some of the country ™s major discoveries and developments.
Why is STEM important to society?
STEM education gives people skills that make them more employable and ready to meet the current labor demand. It encompasses the whole range of experiences and skills. Each STEM component brings a valuable contribution to a well-rounded education. Science gives learners an in-depth understanding of the world around us.
What is STEM benefit?
STEM education prepares students for the changing world of work and careers. STEM skills naturally support essential life skills — e.g. critical thinking, creativity, learning to fail and experiment. STEM enhances general capabilities — e.g. Literacy skills in Science or Numeracy skills in Technology.