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What do you have to do before entering a mosque?
Muslims perform ablution (ritual washing) before entering the prayer hall. Some mosques have specially equipped bathrooms for men and women to wash their faces, arms, and feet. As a visitor, you probably won’t be expected to do ablution in order to enter.
What is the most important place in a mosque?
The four holiest sites in Islam are the Kaaba inside the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca as the holiest of the four, followed by Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus; these sites are accepted in this order by the overwhelming majority of Islamic sects which are all held …
How do you visit a mosque for the first time?
Rules & General Etiquette
- When sat, don’t point your feet at the direction of Meeca.
- Do not walk in front of people praying.
- Do not take photos of women without their permission.
- Be quiet in the prayer halls and rooms.
- Keep yourself dressed modestly in all areas of the mosque.
- Keep your phone on silent.
When should you enter a mosque?
When entering mosques you will usually hear “Assalam Alaikum” which means “peace be upon you.” The correct reply is “Wa alaikum-as-salam” which means “peace be upon you too.” Non-muslim visitors are not expected to return the greeting, but doing so will go do down extremely well.
How do you sit in a mosque?
Entering a Mosque Prayer Hall Go quietly into the hall, and sit on the floor, avoiding pointing the feet in the direction of the Qibla (the wall with the niche or alcove in it, indicating the direction of Makkah), unless a medical condition makes this the only possible posture.
What should a visitor wear to a mosque?
It is most appropriate to wear modest, loose-fitting clothes. For men, it is better to wear long pants, and for women to wear pants or full-length skirts or dresses, with long sleeves. Muslim women typically wear a headscarf as well. Non-Muslim women are encouraged to wear a headscarf in the prayer hall.
Is it safe to visit a mosque in Southeast Asia?
As a result, prayer times differ between regions and seasons across Southeast Asia (and the world). In general, tourists should avoid visiting a mosque during prayer times. If present during the prayers, visitors should sit quietly at the back wall without taking photos.
How do Muslims greet visitors to the mosque?
Visitors will be guided to sit quietly in the back of the room to observe the prayers. When meeting Muslims for the first time, it is customary to offer a handshake only to those of the same gender. Many Muslims will nod their heads or place their hand over their heart when greeting someone of the opposite gender.
How do you sit in a Muslim prayer room?
People sit on the floor; there are no pews. For elderly or disabled community members, there may be a few chairs available. There are no sacred objects in the prayer room, other than copies of the Quran which may be along the walls on bookshelves.
Do all Muslims go to the mosque to pray?
It is not required for all Muslims to attend all prayers in the mosque, so you may or may not find a group of people gathered at a given time. If you contact the mosque ahead of time, you may be greeted and hosted by the Imam, or another senior community member.