What causes extreme health anxiety?
Health anxiety most often occurs in early or middle adulthood and can worsen with age. For older people, health anxiety may focus on a fear of developing memory problems. Other risk factors for health anxiety include: a stressful event or situation.
Can you control hypochondria?
Hypochondria is hard to treat, but experts have made progress. Several studies show that using antidepressants, such as Prozac and Luvox, can help. Antianxiety medications are also used to treat the disorder. Barsky and other researchers say that cognitive-behavioral therapy also works.
Why do people become hypochondriacs?
Hypochondria causes people to become preoccupied with the belief that they are suffering from one or more physical diseases. This belief causes great psychological suffering on the part of the hypochondriac. Anxiety and depression often result. However, most cases of this disorder respond to treatment.
How to overcome extreme health anxiety?
Understand that the reality is not a catastrophe. Even the “worst” is manageable.
What makes someone a hypochondriac?
Though the exact causes of hypochondria are not known but in a generalized form the main cause of the disorder is supposed to be a panic disorder. But, technically a person would be diagnosed with panic disorder may not be a hypochondriac.
How to help a hypochondriac?
Several studies show that using antidepressants, such as Prozac and Luvox, can help. Antianxiety medications are also used to treat the disorder. Barsky and other researchers say that cognitive-behavioral therapy also works. With a therapist, hypochondriacs can learn to challenge their assumptions and change their behavior.