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What are the advantages of taboos?
Strict taboos offered real protection to threatened species, such as the lemur Propithecus edwardsi and the carnivore Cryptoprocta ferox. Taboos also reduced pressure on some economically important endemic species by preventing their sale or limiting the harvest season.
What are the importance of food taboos?
Food taboos, whether scientifically correct or not, are often meant to protect the human individual and the observation, for example, that certain allergies and depression are associated with each other could have led to declaring food items taboo that were identified as causal agents for the allergies.
How does taboo affect health?
A lack of adequate protein in the diet, further depleted by food prejudices that forbid eating what is available, can adversely affect the health status of a population, i.e., cause protein-calorie malnutrition in children, maternal depletion, premature aging, and general malnutrition in women.
What is taboos how do they affect fertility?
In our society, there are various taboos like stopping sexual contacts after a child’s birth, no marriage with a widow women, no sexual contact before marriage and age limit for marriage. These taboos stop the fertility rate. It means people become unable to give birth to children because of taboos.
What is the importance of taboos in our life?
Importance of Taboos. Taboos are very important when it comes to preserving the environment: In many traditional communities, it is considered a taboo to go to farm on certain days or to farm in certain parts of the forests. In the absence of such taboos, people would farm any and anywhere and by so doing they would end up destroying virgin forest.
What would happen if there were no taboos in farming?
In the absence of such taboos, people would farm any and anywhere and by so doing they would end up destroying virgin forest.
Are taboos out of Vogue?
While taboos seem out of vogue, they still play very important roles in so many traditional areas around the world.