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Is it pronounced Neether or neither?
Yes. To give a longer answer, yes, indeed, the word ‘neither’ is pronounced both ways, as ‘nee-ther’ and as ‘ny-ther’, I personally have not seen much rhyme or reason to it, I know folks that say it either way.
Whats the correct pronunciation of either?
Using English phonetics, [ EE-ther ] and [ AHY-ther ] are both correct.
Why do people pronounce neither differently?
The idea is that saying EE, ‘neither’ or ‘either’ with the EE as in SHE vowel is American, and saying ‘neither’ or ‘either’ with the AI diphthong is the British pronunciation. There’s not a British pronunciation and an American pronunciation when it comes to the vowel or diphthong sound in the stressed syllable.
How do Australians say neither?
Break ‘neither’ down into sounds: [NY] + [DHUH] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘neither’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.
Do neither and nor go together?
Either/Or, Neither/Nor Either is always paired with or, and neither is always paired with nor. If you are matching either and nor, I hate to break it to you, but you’re doing it wrong. Additionally, nor is generally not used where neither is not also used.
How do most native speakers pronounce the word ‘either’?
Just to add a bit to the answers already given, ‘Most’ native speakers tend to pronounce ‘either’ [ˈaɪðə] in sentences like ‘ either this or that ‘. And pronounce it [ˈiːðə] in ‘ I don’t either ‘ constructions. But then again, it varies from speaker to speaker.
How do you pronounce ‘either’ in English?
‘Most’ native speakers tend to pronounce ‘either’ [ˈaɪðə] in sentences like ‘ either this or that ‘. And pronounce it [ˈiːðə] in ‘ I don’t either ‘ constructions. But then again, it varies from speaker to speaker. Both of them are correct and perfectly natural.
Is it correct to say “neither” or “ neither” in English?
If your native language is English, it all depends on where you grew up. If you’re learning to speak English, try to remember to use the same pronunciation for “neither”. – barbara beeton Jan 23 ’13 at 21:30
What is the correct way to pronounce Aye-ther?
Ee-ther /ˈiːð.ə (ɹ)/ tends to be more common in the United States, but it would not be wrong to use aye-ther /ˈaɪð.ə (ɹ)/. Whichever way you choose to pronounce it, you should not have trouble being understood.