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Is irradiated or non irradiated honey better?
In 1994 the World Health Organisation reported that ‘irradiated foods are generally nutritionally equivalent to non-irradiated foods subjected to normal processing’. According to SELF Nutrition Data, ‘nearly every food preparation process [such as freezing, drying or cooking] reduces the amount of nutrients in food.
What does it mean when honey is irradiated?
Gamma irradiation is a physical technique of food preservation which protects the honey from insects’ and microbial contamination during storage.
What does Radurised honey mean?
Radurization, or radurisation, is a process of food irradiation in which certain packaged and non-packaged foods (such as potatoes and spices) are treated with mild ionizing radiation dose, usually less than 10 kGray, but sufficient to eliminate or to significantly reduce the number of pathogens and to extend the shelf …
Is food irradiation good or bad?
Yes, irradiated foods are safe. Irradiation makes meat and poultry safer by reducing the numbers of harmful bacteria and parasites. Food irradiation does not make foods radioactive. The radiant energy passes through the food.
What does non irradiated mean?
Medical Definition of nonirradiated : not having been exposed to radiation.
What are the effects of irradiation?
Benefits of food irradiation reduced risk of food-borne diseases caused by micro-organisms such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria (especially in meat, poultry and fish) less need for pesticides. less need for some additives, such as preservatives and antioxidants.
What are the dangers of irradiation?
Research also shows that irradiation forms volatile toxic chemicals such as benzene and toluene, chemicals known, or suspected, to cause cancer and birth defects. Irradiation also causes stunted growth in lab animals fed irradiated foods.