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In which plant lenticular transpiration occurs?
Lenticels are lens-shaped, opening in thick woody trunks of big angiosperm trees for gaseous exchange.
What are the 4 types of transpiration?
Depending upon the plant surface transpiration is of the following four types:
- Stomatal Transpiration:
- Cuticular Transpiration:
- Lenticular or Lenticellate Transpiration:
- Bark Transpiration:
What are the three types of transpiration?
There are three kinds of transpiration: stomatal transpiration, cuticular transpiration and lenticular transpiration.
What is the difference between lenticular and cuticular transpiration?
Differentiate Between Cuticular and Lenticular transpiration….Solution.
Cuticular Transpiration | Lenticular Transpiration |
It takes place through the thin cuticle covering the leaves of the plant. | It takes place through the opening on the stems of woody plants, called lenticels. |
What is meant by lenticular transpiration?
This type of transpiration is the loss of water from plants as vapor through the lenticels. The lenticels are tiny openings that protrude from the barks in woody stems and twigs as well as in other plant organs.
What is lenticular transpiration mention one major difference between lenticular transpiration and stomatal transpiration?
Transpiration occurring through lenticels i.e. minute openings on the surface of old stems is called lenticular transpiration. Stomatal transpiration is controlled by the plant by altering the size of the stoma where as this does not happen in case of lenticular transpiration.
What is lenticular respiration?
➡️plants have small pores on their stem surface through which gaseous exchange takes place. these pores are known as Lenticels and the exchange of gases through them is known as lenticular respiration.
What is lenticular transpiration cuticular transpiration?
Stomatal transpiration is the evaporation of water through stomata while lenticular transpiration is the evaporation of water through lenticels and cuticular transpiration is the evaporation of water through cuticles.
What do you mean by stomatal transpiration and lenticular transpiration?
Stomatal transpiration: It is the evaporation of water through stomata. Stomata are specialized pores in the leaves. Lenticular Transpiration: It is the evaporation of water through lenticels. Lenticels are the tiny openings present on the woody bark.
What is a lenticular transpiration?
What is lenticular transpiration mention one difference between lenticular transpiration and stomatal transpiration?
Transpiration occurring through lenticels i.e. minute openings on the surface of old stems is called lenticular transpiration. Stomatal transpiration is controlled by the plant by altering the size of the stoma, where as this does not happen in case of lenticular transpiration.