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How was leprosy eradicated?
How is leprosy cured? Antibiotics can cure leprosy. They work by killing the bacteria that cause leprosy. While antibiotics can kill the bacteria, they cannot reverse damage caused by the bacteria.
Is leprosy eradicated from India?
India is currently running one of the largest leprosy eradication program in the world, the National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP). Despite this, 120,000 to 130,000 new cases of leprosy are reported every year in India.
How can leprosy be prevented?
How can leprosy be prevented? The best way to prevent the spread of leprosy is the early diagnosis and treatment of people who are infected. For household contacts, immediate and annual examinations are recommended for at least five years after last contact with a person who is infectious.
Which strategy was used for eradication of leprosy in 1982?
Multi Drug Therapy (MDT) came into wide use from 1982, and the National Leprosy Eradication Programme was introduced in 1983.
When did we eradicate leprosy?
In 1991, the World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted a resolution to eliminate leprosy by the year 2000, using this arbitrary definition of elimination—namely, a registered prevalence of less than one case per 10,000 population.
Why is there still leprosy in India?
The major cause of hidden cases is low voluntary reporting in the community due to a lack of awareness as well as stigma and discrimination. The extent of stigma and discrimination is evident by the fact that 200,000 people are residing in about 750 leprosy colonies.
What is the name of the Specialised treatment for eradication of leprosy?
In general, two antibiotics (dapsone and rifampicin) treat paucibacillary leprosy, while multibacillary leprosy is treated with the same two plus a third antibiotic, clofazimine. Usually, medical professionals administer the antibiotics for at least six to 12 months or more to cure the disease.
Why is leprosy so bad in India?
Is there a vaccine to prevent leprosy?
Leprosy is endemic in several regions of the world. Currently the only protection has come from vaccination with BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin), a single dose of which gives 50 percent or higher protection against the disease.
Can leprosy be eliminated?
Fully 16m leprosy patients have been cured in the past three decades. And yet it has proven stubbornly tricky to eradicate: around a quarter of a million cases are reported annually. Between 2011 and 2012 the number of cases actually rose slightly.
What is the main control of leprosy?
What is a leprosy infection (Hansen’s disease)?
Hansen’s disease (also known as leprosy) is an infection caused by slow-growing bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae.
What happens if leprosy is left untreated?
Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy) Leprosy was once feared as a highly contagious and devastating disease, but now we know it doesn’t spread easily and treatment is very effective. However, if left untreated, the nerve damage can result in crippling of hands and feet, paralysis, and blindness.
How old is leprosy and where did it originate?
With regards to the age, clearly, leprosy is a very old infectious disease and it’s been around for millions of years. It probably originated in East Africa or India and moved around the globe with human migration. It was probably present in the Middle East in Biblical times, and was highly prevalent in Europe in the Middle Ages.
What happens if you don’t treat ledleprosy?
Leprosy was once feared as a highly contagious and devastating disease, but now we know it doesn’t spread easily and treatment is very effective. However, if left untreated, the nerve damage can result in crippling of hands and feet, paralysis, and blindness. What is Hansen’s Disease?