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How similar are Russian and Mongolian?
Mongolian and Russian are entirely unrelated languages, but there are two reasons Khalkha Mongolian, the language spoken in Mongolia, may seem similar to Russian.
How can you tell the difference between a Mongolian and a Russian?
In addition, Mongolian cyrillic has 2 extra letters compared to Russian cyrillic, Ө (sounds similar to “u” in ugh) and Ү (sound similar to “oo” in moon. You will however notice a lot of Russian words that were adopted into the Mongolian language moreso than Chinese words.
Does Mongolia speak Russian?
Russian is one of the most widely spoken foreign languages in Mongolia. This reflects both history and geography. Mongolia shares its northern border with Russia. In 1924, Mongolia became the second Communist country in the world after Russia (then the USSR).
Is Mongolian similar to Chinese or Russian?
Answer Wiki. There is a common misconception among people that Mongolian is similar to Chinese or Russian, or perhaps a mix of both. Although it is understandable since Mongolia borders China and Russia, if you were to ask a local whether they speak Chinese / Russian as an official language, it’s a good way to offend them somewhat.
Is Khalkha Mongolian similar to Russian?
Mongolian and Russian are entirely unrelated languages, but there are two reasons Khalkha Mongolian, the language spoken in Mongolia, may seem similar to Russian.
What are the similarities between Mongolian and Turkic?
Anyway, this macrofamily, along with Mongolian, includes the Turkic languages. They have similar phonetics to Mongolian, an agglutinative grammar (when plural, case, and so on suffixes are “glued” to the root of a word in strict order), and syntax.
Do Mongolians use the Russian alphabet?
A lot of people see the Mongolian cyrillic writing and assume, Mongolians use “Russian” letters, however, the cyrillic alphabet was first introduced in Greece by Cyril during the 9th century which slowly spread across eastern Europe and western Asia.