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How much vitamin D should I take if my level is 10?
Vitamin D recommended intake is at 400–800 IU/day or 10–20 micrograms. However, some studies suggest that a higher daily intake of 1,000–4,000 IU (25–100 micrograms) is needed to maintain optimal blood levels.
What is a good level of vitamin D supplement?
At that time, their experts concluded: “Based on all the evidence, at a minimum, we recommend vitamin D levels of 30 ng/mL, and because of the vagaries of some of the assays, to guarantee sufficiency, we recommend between 40 and 60 ng/mL for both children and adults.”
How much vitamin D should I take if my level is 9?
A 25(OH)D level of 9 ng/mL shows evidence of severe vitamin D deficiency and is likely responsible for some or all of her symptoms. In this case, the 25(OH)D level should be increased as quickly as possible with either 4,000 IU vitamin D3 daily or 30,000 IU weekly, checking the level again at 6 and 12 weeks.
Is it safe to take vitamin D above 60 ng/mL?
There is currently no sufficient scientific evidence to suggest that values above 60 ng/ml offer increased health benefits. Consequently, there is no need to attempt to reach higher levels. Take the recommended dose of vitamin D daily to maintain your vitamin D levels, as described in point 1 above.
What is the normal range of vitamin D 30?
30 is considered lowest normal, with highest normal at 100. So it’s really best to be somewhere in the middle of that range for optimal health. Vitamin D is so cruical for bone health, along with calcium. It also regulates so many other processes related to immunity to disease, fatigue and more.
How is vitamin D measured in a blood test?
Doctors use blood tests to determine if someone has adequate levels of vitamin D. They measure vitamin D using one of two measurements: nanomoles per liter (nmol/l) or nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). The following table provides rough ranges for low, normal, and high vitamin D levels for the average adult in nmol/ml and ng/ml.
What is a 25(OH)D blood test?
The blood test to measure your vitamin D levels is called the 25 (OH)D blood test. The result of the blood test helps determine how much vitamin D you should take in the form of vitamin D capsules or vitamin D drops, etc., or whether you should increase your exposure to the sun in order to build up an optimal vitamin D level.