How long have Klingons been warp capable?
According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 55) Klingons had achieved warp capability in the year 930, which is a reference to the Boreth monastery being built shortly after Kahless’ death.
When did Klingons develop warp drive?
It is stated in Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 55) that Klingons had achieved warp capability in the year 930. Quark, however, stated in “Little Green Men” that the Ferengi would have had warp drive before the Klingons, had he delivered warp technology to Ferenginar in 1947.
Where is QO noS?
Qo’noS (transliterated to Kronos in English) is a Class M planet, homeworld of the Klingons and capital of the Klingon Empire. Qo’noS is a somewhat arid place. It is located in the beta quadrant and is the third of ten planets orbiting an orange, bright, subgiant (type K1 IV) star.
Did the Klingons leave the Federation?
Breaking the alliance Gowron retaliated by withdrawing from the Khitomer Accords, recalling his ambassadors, and expelling all Federation citizens from Klingon territory, thus ending the alliance between the two governments.
What was the relationship between the Klingon Federation and Romulan Star Empire?
Klingon-Federation cooperation persisted despite interference by the Romulan Star Empire and a Klingon Civil War from 2367 to 2368. (e.g. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; TNG: ” Reunion “, ” Redemption “, ” Redemption II “)
What happened to the Federation-Klingon Border?
The Federation-Klingon border isn’t as heavily fortified as the Federation-Romulan border, and the Khitomer Accords abolished the Neutral Zone along that border, but it’s still manned with a series of Federation space stations and actively patrolled by the Klingons by the 24th century.
What two empires did the Klingon Empire share a border with?
The Klingon Empire shared borders with the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation, the latter of which was protected by a Neutral zone during the later 23rd century. (e.g., ENT: ” Bounty “; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; TNG: ” Aquiel “).
What happened to Chancellor Gorkon after the Praxis disaster?
After the Praxis disaster of 2293, Chancellor Gorkon pursued peace with the Federation, resulting in the Khitomer Accords and ultimately paving the way for the Treaty of Alliance between both powers.