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Just like natal chart the first house is navamsa (9th division) of ascendent. E.g. If you have ascendant sun in leo navamsa we may say that sun occupies its own navamsa. if saturn occupies mesha rasi in navamsa we may interpret that saturn is in debilitated navamsa.
The analysis of Lagna Chart only gives a gross indication about various houses and Planets. Thus the Navamsa is very important chart in astrology and for deeper understanding we need to use Navamsa chart.
Which house is for Lagna?
1st House- First House, also known as ‘Lagna’ or ‘Ascendant’. It’s the house of self since it represents you and the way you look.
Are houses counted from Lagna?
This sign known as the Udaya Lagna will be considered the first house of the horoscope, and the enumeration of the other houses follows in sequence through the rest of the signs of the zodiac. In this way, the Lagna does not only delineate the rising sign, but also all the other houses in the chart.
What does 1st house represent astrology?
Defined by the Ascendant, the First House defines you. It represents the body you were born with, your physical appearance, and your general temperament.
What are horoscope houses?
The houses are divisions of the ecliptic plane (a great circle containing the Sun’s orbit, as seen from the earth), at the time and place of the horoscope in question. They are numbered counter-clockwise from the cusp of the first house.
Which house is trikona?
The spiritual triangle (Dharma Trikona) consists of aspects of the soul’s mission, accumulated merit, and the manifestation of past karma. These three aspects are actually represented by the houses of 1st, 5th and 9th in astrology which ultimately form a triangular shape and are thus named Trikonas or Angular Houses.
How do you count house in astrology?
The houses are numbered from the east downward under the horizon, each representing a specific area of life. Many modern astrologers assume that the houses relate to their corresponding signs, i.e. that the first house has a natural affinity with the first sign, Aries, and so on.