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How do I drop all tables in a database?
Select all of the tables in your database in the Schema Browser clicking on the first table, holding Shift, and clicking on the last table. Right-click on the selected tables and select “Drop (n) Tables…” Click on Review SQL, as we will need to add in the foreign key check disable and enable.
How do I drop all tables from a SQL Server database?
Drop Tables from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- Expand Databases dropdown.
- Expand database.
- Expand Tables.
- Right click on a table name.
- Delete.
How do I drop all tables in schema?
You can select all the available tables from the right sidebar, right click and choose Delete.. , or press Delete key to drop all.
How do I drop all tables in SQL Developer?
If you need to drop all tables in the database with Oracle, here’s an easy way! run this command: select ‘drop table ‘, table_name, ‘cascade constraints;’ from user_tables; Then copy the output and run that as a sql script.
How do I drop all tables and stored procedures in SQL Server?
Delete all tables-views-stored procedures in SQL Server.
- /* Drop all non-system stored procs */
- /* Drop all views */ DECLARE @name VARCHAR(128)
- /* Drop all functions */ DECLARE @name VARCHAR(128)
- /* Drop all Foreign Key constraints */ DECLARE @name VARCHAR(128)
How do I drop all tables in Hive database?
To drop the tables in the database as well, use DROP DATABASE … with CASCADE option.
- Drop database without table or Empty Database: hive> DROP DATABASE database_name;
- Drop database with tables: hive> DROP DATABASE database_name CASCADE; It dropping respective tables before dropping the database.
How delete all data from a table in Oracle?
- First, you specify the name of the table from which you want to delete data.
- Second, you specify which row should be deleted by using the condition in the WHERE clause. If you omit the WHERE clause, the Oracle DELETE statement removes all rows from the table.
How do I drop multiple tables in mysql workbench?
Using phpMyAdmin Tick the boxes for the tables you want to delete, and select “Drop” from the “With selected:” drop down box. This is shown in the screenshot below where all three tables have been checked: categories, orders and products.
How do I drop all partitions in hive external table?
For the external table, DROP partition just removes the partition from Hive Metastore and the partition is still present on HDFS. You need to run explicitly hadoop fs -rm commnad to remove the partition from HDFS.