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How do clouds affect planes?
These cloud-borne updrafts and downdrafts result in rapid and unpredictable changes to the lift force on the wings of an aircraft. More or less lift and the difference between these changes is what causes the aircraft to lurch and jump about during flight, or turbulence as it is called within the industry.
Can a helicopter fly over clouds?
Helicopters can fly above the clouds as VFR Over The Top, VFR On Top, and in the clouds under IFR flight rules. When flying VFR above any cloud a pilot needs to exercise caution and ensure there is a hole to descend through at their destination.
How are clouds formed aviation?
Three basic processes may cool air to saturation. They are (1) air moving over a colder surface, (2) stagnant air overlying a cooling surface, and expansional codling in upward moving air. Expansional cooling is the major cause of cloud formation.
Why do cumulus clouds cause turbulence?
When thermal turbulence occurs the sun heats the earth and warm air rises. This rise in warm air under or inside of cumulus clouds makes the air bumpy. When this happens you feel it more inside of the clouds since the air rises faster due to what is called the wet adiabatic lapse rate.
Why are clouds empty after it rains?
Clouds are not containers of water so that it goes empty after it rains. First of all, clouds are colloidal forms of water in air. When the saturation point of cloud is reached, ie by the amount of water vapor it can hold, it condenses to form water droplets which precipitates as rains.
What happens when water droplets in clouds collide?
The quick answer is water droplets in a cloud collide with each other to form a raindrop. To back up just a bit, water vapor coalesces around nucleate particles, typically dust, this forms water droplets. Water droplets in clouds “bump” together to form raindrops.
How are raindrops formed in clouds?
This process forms raindrops in clouds with above-freezing temperatures at all levels (“warm clouds”), or in the warmer regions of cold clouds. The most important factor in the production of raindrops is the cloud’s liquid water content. The more droplets there are, the more likely falling droplets will encounter them and grow through coalescence.
Does cloud seeding increase rainfall?
“The research shows that cloud seeding can enhance certain types of rainfall up to 10 percent when it is already going to rain,” said AccuWeather Founder and CEO Dr. Joel N. Myers. “If there are no clouds, you are not going to get any rain.