How common is a freckle in the eye?
When the eye freckle is on the iris (the colored part of the eye), it’s called an iris nevus. Approximately 6 in 10 people have one. Research has associated increased sun exposure to formation of new iris nevi, but more studies need to be done.
Should I worry about a new freckle?
Freckles are harmless, but they can sometimes look similar to some types of skin cancer. If people notice any changes in their skin, they should see a doctor, who will be able to check the skin for anything unusual.
Should I be worried about my eye freckle?
If you have an eye freckle, this is generally nothing to worry about. Many times, these are seen on an eye exam, which is why it’s so important to get regular checkups. Once the freckle has been diagnosed, talk with your doctor about a checkup schedule since it needs to be carefully monitored to avoid any potential complications.
Are eye freckles a sign of cancer?
While eye freckles themselves are usually benign, they may serve as a warning sign for sun-related health problems, the researchers concluded. “The presence of iris freckles also indicates sun damage to the skin, a risk factor for several different kinds of skin cancer.
How are eye freckles and nevus treated?
Your eye exam may involve dilating the eyes with special eye drops. Generally, eye freckles do not require treatment because they are usually harmless — much like the moles and freckles on your skin. They are not likely to affect your vision. The only time you may need treatment is if your doctor thinks your nevus might be a melanoma.
How many people have a freckle on their iris?
These nevi make up more than half of all conjunctival lesions and usually appear in childhood. When the eye freckle is on the iris (the colored part of the eye), it’s called an iris nevus. Approximately 6 in 10 people have one.