Table of Contents
Does quitting alcohol make you a better person?
As the alcohol leaves your system and you begin to establish some healthy habits, you will begin to feel better—perhaps better than you have in years. Especially after you get past the temporary discomfort of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you’ll notice increasing improvements in your physical and mental health.
Why do I feel better sober?
When you’re sober, you have more time and mental energy to spend on the people who matter most to you. Without the distraction of wondering when you can go get drunk or high, you’ll be able to stay physically and emotionally present with others.
Why do I feel like a better person when I’m drunk?
Early on in a drinking session, the alcohol acts on GABA systems to boost the levels of dopamine, the brain’s reward chemical. This gives a sense of well-being and a sense of mild euphoria.
Why do I not want to be sober?
The fear of being sober is often about dealing with your loss of a coping mechanism for “real” life. You’re afraid you don’t have the tools and resources to help you to maintain your sobriety. You are afraid that being sober will simply be too hard.
Do you really want to get sober?
1. You don’t actually want to get sober. We say we do but we don’t really. It’s not that we want to quit drinking exactly. It’s that we want to be able to drink normally. And all the bad decisions, embarrassing moments, and general consequences that come with too much alcohol? We want those gone as well.
What happens to your body when you stay sober?
Your relationships get stronger. When you’re sober, you have more time and mental energy to spend on the people who matter most to you. Without the distraction of wondering when you can go get drunk or high, you’ll be able to stay physically and emotionally present with others.
Does sobriety make your life healthier?
Whether you’re an addict or you are simply looking to improve your health, here are 14 reasons sobriety makes your life healthier, more fulfilling, and more fun. 1. You sleep better. It’s hard to overstate the importance of good sleep. When you’re sleep-deprived, you feel cranky, foggy, and unhealthy.
Are You at risk of developing a disease when you’re sober?
But people are diagnosed with these diseases every day, and if you abuse alcohol or drugs regularly, chances are high that you’ll eventually be one of them. When you’re sober, you don’t have to worry about developing life-threatening complications from your habits.