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Does protection protect from board wipes?
Does Protection Work Against Board Wipes? This can be a little more complicated, but let’s go back to the DEBT acronym. Protection stops damage, enchanting/equipping, blocking, and targeting. It doesn’t do anything against any other kinds of effects.
Do enchantment auras stay on the field?
303.4g If an Aura is entering the battlefield and there is no legal object or player for it to enchant, the Aura remains in its current zone, unless that zone is the stack. In that case, the Aura is put into its owner’s graveyard instead of entering the battlefield.
Does protection Get rid of auras?
Yes. Creatures with protection (from blue) can’t be damaged, enchanted, blocked, or targeted by anything (blue). The Aura is removed and goes to the graveyard.
Does protection from a color remove enchantments?
Protection means certain things. Be targeted by white spells or abilities. Protection will remove the enchantment.
Does protection prevent destroy?
4 Answers. Yes, Day of Judgement will destroy a creature with Protection from White.
Can you block something with protection?
As you noted, a creature with protection from something can’t be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, enchanted, or equipped by anything that has that “something” quality.
Does exile remove auras?
Unless the card/ability specifically says that it effects anything attached to the creature, like the rules for phasing, it ignores them. In this case it means that any auras that were attached to the creature exiled by the banisher priest remain on the battlefield not attached to anything.
Can you cast an aura without a target?
Aura spells (i.e. Cards cast from your hand, and added to the stack), do require a target. It is unfortunate that they are the only spells that target, without “target” within the rules text. Note the full text, though: “legal object or player according to the Aura’s enchant ability and any other applicable effects”.
Does protection remove equipment?
Nope. One part of protection is that objects of the quality can’t be attached to the object with protection. The Equipment will be unattached as a state-based action.
Does protection protect from enchantments MTG?
A creature with protection from one or more colors of magic cannot be affected by any magic of those colors. For example, a creature with protection from blue cannot be blocked by blue creatures, dealt damage by blue creatures, or enchanted, damaged, or otherwise affected by blue cards.
Does protection mean you can’t block?
Protection just means that the creature won’t be damaged, enchanted, blocked or targeted by anything green. Thus, if a white creature with protection from green blocks a green creature, the white creature will take no damage.
Does protection work against destroy all?