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Do the classes you take in senior year matter?
Senior Year: It Still Counts Colleges do consider fall grades, and even after admission your high school classes and grades still matter. Though it is far more common for a school to request a senior year schedule, there are many colleges that will ask for final grades.
Is 5 APs senior year too much?
Senior Year: Take more APs in core subjects and additional subjects, again being careful not to overburden your schedule and to leave time for college applications. It’s not uncommon for applicants to highly selective schools to have as many as 5 AP classes senior year, but keep your own schedule and limits in mind.
Do senior year AP scores matter?
No, they don’t. The results of AP exams are announced in July, so they won’t affect your admission. If you get a good score that could get you a college credit, then make sure to send this result to the college. If you get a low score, you don’t have to report it.
Is it bad to take too many AP classes?
If you find yourself taking much fewer or many more AP or IB classes than the norm at your school, you should reconsider your choices. Taking too many advanced classes can also prevent you from spending your time in more valuable ways, such as developing your college applications or extracurricular activities.
How many AP courses should I take a year?
This will vary from student to student as well as from school to school. Look at precedents—if students in the past have only taken 4 AP courses per year and successfully been accepted to elite colleges, that is likely what you should aim to do as well.
Is it normal to drop a class senior year of high school?
This will vary from school to school. In general, the most important thing to do is to make sure that you challenge yourself within reason. Because the college application process is so time-consuming, it is not uncommon for students to drop a course in their senior year of high school.
What is an honors level class?
Often, honors level classes will end up teaching much of the same material covered in the AP/IB, allowing for students to score high on the final exam without having necessarily taken a standardized course. Course Load: How Many is Too Many?