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Do houses have classes together?
During N.E.W.T. levels (6th and 7th years), as the number of students from each house taking a certain subject was smaller, all houses took classes together.
Can different Hogwarts houses sit together?
Yes, students can sit at a different house’s table during non-formal meals.
How do classes work in Hogwarts?
The course schedule given in book four is quite consistent: three, possibly four class periods per day, two before and two after lunch, with a break between the two morning classes (there is only documentation of break on Fridays, but we have assumed it would take place every day).
How many classes do students take at Hogwarts?
First off… how many classes are there at Hogwarts? There are seven core classes at Hogwarts: Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. First-Year students are required to take all of these subjects, alongside Flying Lessons — or Broom Flight Class.
Can a Slytherin dating a Ravenclaw?
All in all, a relationship between a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw is a delicate balancing act that requires compromise. There might be discord in the relationship, but Slytherins and Hufflepuffs bring out the best in each other more often than not.
Does Harry have any classes with Ravenclaw?
The only House Gryffindors did not share any classes with were Ravenclaws (as far as I know). This is also only based on the couses Harry took, they never mention if classes like Muggle Studies or Arithmancy are doubles or not.
What classes have students from all houses in them?
Divinaton/Muggle studies/Arithmancy/Care of magical creatures have students from all houses. If a student chose to study the subject, they’re in the class. In 6th and 7th year classes have students from all classes as they’re NEWT level and have less students in them.
How many students advanced to Newt class from Potions owl?
There were a total of 12 students who achieved either Outstanding or Exceeds Expectations on their Potions OWL and were able to advance to NEWT class. In HBP, the first Potions class includes Harry, Ron, Malfoy, and Ernie Macmillan; it’s mentioned that Ernie is the only Hufflepuff there, which suggests all four Houses were represented.
Are all houses mixed in the same classes?
It’s plausible that all Houses are mixed in such classes (well, assuming any Slytherins take Muggle Studies!) In post-OWL years, when there are fewer students taking any subject, more (all?) classes are mixed; for instance:
Did the Gryffindors share Dada and Transfiguration classes with other houses?
It’s not stated if the Gryffindors ever shared DADA or Transfiguration classes with any of the other houses, though it doesn’t appear that Harry’s year ever did. In sixth-year, however, all of the NEWT-level classes had students from all four houses, at least the ones that didn’t have all or most of the students in the year taking the subject.