Table of Contents
- 1 Do educated Indians speak English?
- 2 Why do Indians give so much importance to English?
- 3 What is the main purpose of learning English in India?
- 4 Is English a first language in India?
- 5 Why do so many Indians prefer English over other languages?
- 6 What is the most common language used in communication in India?
Do educated Indians speak English?
As these educated Indians grew up to become educated Indian adults, they found themselves speaking more and more in English, since Indians have many languages and many a time, the only common language is English.
Why do Indians give so much importance to English?
English is the lingua franca in India between non-Hindi states and other states and among non-Hindi states themselves. English is one of the most popular international languages. Hence English helps India in dealing with other countries.
What is the role of English in Indian education?
English is the best tool to provide good opportunity for the learner to learn. The elite society in India sends their children to English-medium schools and even the poorest of the poor aspire to send their children to the same since English is seen as a language that provides upward economic and social mobility.
Why English is the official language of India?
English is allowed to be used in official purposes such as parliamentary proceedings, judiciary, communications between the Central Government and a State Government. States within India have the liberty and powers to specify their own official language(s) through legislation.
What is the main purpose of learning English in India?
The benefits of learning English can be seen in the economic, social and political life of the people of the country. India has undertaken the gigantic task of rapidly developing its economy, and becoming a powerful country. To fulfil this, people must have up-to-date knowledge of the different branches of science.
Is English a first language in India?
It is both the most widely spoken first as well as second language in India, while English is just the 44th most widely spoken first language even though it is the second-most widely spoken second language. There is a clear class element at work—41\% of the rich could speak English as against less than 2\% of the poor.
Can Indians from different regions of India communicate with each other?
Indians from different regions will not be able to communicate with each other unless they both speak English. Furthermore, although English is actually India’s common official language, it is very different from American English. While it’s likely you can communicate in English, it’s safe to expect some communication breakdown.
Why are there so many teachers in India who can’t speak English?
Curiously, many states in India have attempted to make English the medium of instruction for all schools in an attempt to assuage the demands of the poor; however, the shortage of teachers who can even speak English is surreal. All of this while the vast majority is able to communicate in their respective mother tongues.
Why do so many Indians prefer English over other languages?
This is the world that hundreds of millions of Indians live in simply because the elite prefer English. This discrimination has become so systemic that the elite and middle classes send their children to English private schools while the vast poor send theirs to the government schools of their mother tongue.
What is the most common language used in communication in India?
Most of the communications takes place in English. From email to advertising, English and Hindi are highly acceptable and adaptable by Indian people. In corporate sectors, the professional terminology is in English that makes the language the natural choice for everyday written communication.