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Did Anakin regret his decision?
until his son luke skywalker redeemed him and brought little ani back to light side. The whole purpose for Anakin to become Vader, was to save his wife from dying, in which, he eventually failed, thus ultimately regretting his choice.
Who killed all the padawans?
In 3964 BBY, the Jedi Masters of the planet Taris’ Jedi Tower killed their Padawans at a false Knighting ceremony that became known as the Padawan Massacre.
Does Anakin regret killing Obi Wan?
Yes. When Vader turned back to anakin and sacrifice himself to save his son, he dies and obi wan uses the force to connect with anakin spirit. And in that time anakin apologizes to obi wan, desperately asking him to forgive him for everything he has done to him and everybody over the years.
Is Anakin Skywalker haunted by how he killed younglings?
It is revealed in two separate comics – Star Wars: Darth Vader and Shadow of Vader’s Castle – that Anakin is haunted by how he killed Younglings.
Did Anakin keep his actions in the Tusken camp a secret?
“But it was more than that,” he started to say, and then he shook his head and buried his face against the softness of her breast. And in the Revenge of the Sith novelisation it’s made clear that Anakin kept the precise nature of his actions in the Tusken camp secret from the Jedi leadership (but not his pal the Chancellor):
Did Palpatine order Vader to kill younglings in Revenge of the Sith?
Even knowing his destiny in the Star Wars canon, it was hard to imagine that Palpatine’s order for the newly christened Darth Vader to kill every Jedi in the Jedi Temple would actually include the slaughter of Younglings in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith .
Can Luke Skywalker forgive Anakin Skywalker’s murder of children?
Anakin’s murder of innocent children is totally his most unforgivable act and probably the moment when there’s no turning back from his Darth Vader destiny. Sure, Luke Skywalker can forgive Anakin, but what about actor Ross Beadman?