Can you buy Safemoon on PancakeSwap? Go to the Pancake Swap exchange Pancake Swap is an exchange that lets you trade many different cryptocurrencies, including Binance Coin and Safemoon. Select “DApps” from the bottom menu of Trust Wallet. Can I use MetaMask to buy Safemoon? Buying Safemoon You can also buy crypto directly in the…
Category: Useful tips
Do cats really get caught in trees?
Do cats really get caught in trees? The true part is that cats sometimes get stuck in trees because they are built for climbing up, but not so much for climbing down. Their retractable claws are curved and their hind legs are stronger than their front, which makes them agile climbers going up, but that…
What personality type is best for investment banking?
What personality type is best for investment banking? When it comes to financial advisors and economists, as well as previously mentioned investment bankers and executives, a successful personality type will be INTJ. This combination is defined as a introvert-intuitive-thinker-judger. What personality type is good for finance? Introverted sensors, ISTJs are known as the best personality…
Can you stream YouTube on multiple tabs?
Can you stream YouTube on multiple tabs? It depends upon speed of your interent & computer, if both are having latest updates, yes you can run multiple tabs on a single browser. Youtube never stops anyone from viewing a video until its private or blocked in a country or or have +18 content. Can I…
Is it possible to extract uranium from seawater?
Is it possible to extract uranium from seawater? Scientists have long known that uranium dissolved in seawater combines chemically with oxygen to form uranyl ions with a positive charge. Extracting these uranyl ions involves dipping plastic fibers containing a compound called amidoxime into seawater. The uranyl ions essentially stick to the amidoxime. How is uranium…
How do you manage sphincter of Oddi pain?
How do you manage sphincter of Oddi pain? For people with mild symptoms, a doctor may recommend medication as the first-line of treatment. Medications usually consist of nitrate and calcium channel blockers, which can help to reduce spasms and alleviate symptoms. People with more severe SOD may require surgery. Is there a cure for sphincter…
How common is musical anhedonia?
How common is musical anhedonia? Its incidence in the general population is low: between 5\% and 10\%. The second type is known as “acquired musical anhedonia”. It is this form that develops as a result of brain damage. The incidence of this second form is even lower, and most studies of it focus on individual…
How long do I have to wait before blocking someone again?
How long do I have to wait before blocking someone again? To stop this, Facebook has made it so that you have to wait 48 hours (or more) before you can re-block a person. This means that if you are playing the blocking/harassing game, the other person has a 48-hour window to hit you back….
What does a Unicode string look like?
What does a Unicode string look like? To summarize the previous section: a Unicode string is a sequence of code points, which are numbers from 0 through 0x10FFFF (1,114,111 decimal). This sequence of code points needs to be represented in memory as a set of code units, and code units are then mapped to 8-bit…
What do you say when someone says good work?
What do you say when someone says good work? Here are a few ways to respond to a compliment: “Thank you, it makes my day to hear that.” “I really put a lot of thought into this, thank you for noticing.” “Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to express that.” “Thank you,…