How old is the oldest motorcycle rider? Chester Zawalik, of Brookfield, Wisconsin claims to be the oldest living Harley-Davidson rider in the world. He turned 100 years old on August 19, 2014 and still rides his 1981 Harley every day he can. How hard is it to learn to ride a motor bike? So, before…
Category: Popular articles
Is Mirai Nikki disturbing?
Is Mirai Nikki disturbing? It’s not graphic, but extremely disturbing. A character in charge of a cult tells her followers to rape a girl. The girl’s clothes are ripped off except for her underwear, but another character runs and and stops them before they can do anything else. Will there be a second season of…
What is like to be in juvie?
What is like to be in juvie? These rooms are locked during sleeping times and the schedule is strict. Unlike group homes or treatment centers, the juvenile detention center is designed to mimic prison. When it is bedtime, they are locked in and there are no exceptions, there is no freedom (a toilet is in…
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Does nginx serve static files? Nginx will then serve the requested files from the same root directory. That’s it! Ensure the root and index properties and nginx serves static HTML and JavaScript files. How do you serve static content? To serve static files such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files, use the express. static…
Do INTJs have multiple personalities?
Do INTJs have multiple personalities? No. You do not have multiple personality disorder if you received both INTJ and ENTP on the MBTI test. Are Entp and INTJ similar? INTJs and ENTPs are both Intuitive Thinking personalities, preferring to consider complex problems and base decisions on logical thinking. However, INTJs are introverted and prefer to…
Should couples sit opposite or next to each other?
Should couples sit opposite or next to each other? I’d say if you’re sitting across from each other, you’re more engaged in conversation. When sitting next to each other, your body proximity is closer so romantic vibes are there. Why do couples sit on the same side of the booth? Regarding side-by-side booth sitting, there…
Is B tselem a reliable source?
Is B tselem a reliable source? In 2010, Gerald Steinberg of NGO Monitor, a critic of the organization, expressed admiration for B’Tselem’s research capability, saying that “B’Tselem really does have a credible research capability, and even among serious critics like me who disagree with B’Tselem’s political agenda, their research ability is … What is B…
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What is the oldest age to become a nurse? I am very pleased to confirm there is no upper age limit to start nurse training so your age is not a hurdle. However you do need to consider a number of issues before committing to a long and challenging journey. To help you here are…
Why did Dr Janet Fraiser leave Stargate?
Why did Dr Janet Fraiser leave Stargate? Rothery got to show up one last time on Stargate SG-1 in the episode “Ripple Effect” from season nine, during which she appeared as a version of Janet Fraiser from a parallel universe. It was reported that the show’s executives pressured writers to kill off a character. Are…
Why does my Maltese snore?
Why does my Maltese snore? The Maltese breed – has a history of brachycephalic nasal issues. While not as common as other short nose canines, it is caused by restricted nasal passages. When should I be concerned about my dog snoring? Any snoring that comes on suddenly definitely warrants a call to the vet. Talk…