How do I start MQTT? To start the broker, open a command prompt by clicking on Start | All Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt. In the command prompt, navigate to the Mosquitto root folder, such as C:\Program Files (x86)\mosquitto. Start the Mosquitto service by running the command: “net start mosquitto”. How do I make…
Category: Popular articles
How do you prioritize work and life?
How do you prioritize work and life? Effective Methods to Prioritize Tasks Determine Value in Any Task or Action. Reduce Time Expenditures. Start with Your Intention. Quantify Your Tasks. Use a Master List. Discover and Differentiate Urgent From Important Tasks Using Eisenhower Matrix. Eat Your Frog. What is my priority in life? Our priorities are…
What did the Allies do after D Day?
What did the Allies do after D Day? After D-Day, the days of the German resistance were numbered. Paris was liberated in August 1944 as the Allies pushed slowly eastward. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union was moving into German territory as well. Hitler, at the Battle of the Bulge, launched a final unsuccessful counteroffensive in December…
Can ligaments be repaired naturally?
Can ligaments be repaired naturally? Beware the fully torn ligament Complete tears rarely heal naturally. Since there’s a disconnect between the tissue and any chance of blood supply, surgery is needed. Surgery also helps the joint heal correctly and reduces the chances of re-injury. For instance, an ACL rupture will require reconstruction. Can you replace…
How much rest do you need after push-ups?
How much rest do you need after push-ups? For basic sets of push-ups, your rest time is 1 to 2 minutes. However, rest times can vary as it depends on the goal of the exact workout that day. Are you there to build endurance, power or strength? All are critical features of a successful SEAL….
What culture does not like eye contact?
What culture does not like eye contact? In fact, in Japanese culture, people are taught not to maintain eye contact with others because too much eye contact is often considered disrespectful. For example, Japanese children are taught to look at others’ necks because this way, the others’ eyes still fall into their peripheral vision [28]….
Can someone hack my bank account with my username and password?
Can someone hack my bank account with my username and password? The simpler means of attack is by spoofing an existing banking app. A malware author creates a perfect replica of a bank’s app and uploads it to third-party websites. Once you’ve downloaded the app, you enter your username and password into it, which is…
Do electron donating groups increase basicity?
Do electron donating groups increase basicity? The basicity of an amine is increased by electron-donating groups and decreased by electron-withdrawing groups. Aryl amines are less basic than alkyl-substituted amines because some electron density provided by the nitrogen atom is distributed throughout the aromatic ring. Why are electron donating groups prefer ortho or para While electron…
How do I get to the Statue of Liberty from Subway?
How do I get to the Statue of Liberty from Subway? Find a subway station. On the east side of the park, you’ll need to walk two blocks east until you get to Park Avenue. There are subway stops at the intersections of Park Avenue and 110th, 103th, 96th, 86th, 77th, 68th and 59th streets….
How many queens are in each hive?
How many queens are in each hive? one queen Each hive has one queen, and 100 female worker bees for every male drone bee. The queen’s only job is to lay eggs and a drone’s job is to mate with the queen. How many queens does a beehive produce? How Many Queen Bees Can There…