Can you go to any opticians to get glasses tightened? Yes, of course you can, however depending on the community the optician may want to charge you for the adjustment if the frame wasn’t purchased from him, simply because people may order the glasses online and probably would do so again as long as the…
Category: Life
Can narcs be self-aware?
Can narcs be self-aware? With severe emotional deficits, the narcissist may be self-aware and knowledgeable about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but these do not lead to healing, merely to behaviour modification. Narcissists balance a sadistic superego and a demanding and fantastic False Self. What is a self-aware narcissist? Self-aware narcissists have the potential to change. Many…
How is race defined in Singapore?
How is race defined in Singapore? The concept of race or ethnicity in contemporary Singapore emerged from the attitudes of the colonial authorities towards race and ethnicity. Today, the Chinese-Malay-Indian-Others (CMIO) model is the dominant organising framework of race in Singapore. What is racial harmony Singapore? The event is an annual racial community effort to…
How can a full moon affect you?
How can a full moon affect you? The full moon has been associated with strange or insane behavior, including suicide, sleepwalking and violence. The lunar theory, otherwise known as the lunar effect, is the idea that there’s some correlation between moon cycles and human behavior. Can full moon make anxiety worse? For the most part,…
What is Bartlett test R?
What is Bartlett test R? Bartlett’s test is a statistical test that is used to determine whether or not the variances between several groups are equal. Many statistical tests (like a one-way ANOVA) assume that variances are equal across samples. Bartlett’s test can be used to verify that assumption. What does a Bartlett test do?…
Will I lose weight if I only eat fruit and nuts?
Will I lose weight if I only eat fruit and nuts? According to researchers, eating a diet full of vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits and nuts can be twice as effective in helping you lose weight as conventional low-calorie diets. Many health experts and nutritionists often suggest that a vegetarian diet is one of the healthiest…
Is ONNX faster than TensorFlow?
Is ONNX faster than TensorFlow? Even in this case, the inferences/predictions using ONNX is 6–7 times faster than the original TensorFlow model. As mentioned earlier, the results will be much impressive if you work with bigger datasets. Does TensorFlow support ONNX? Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open standard format for representing machine learning…
How do you write a technical User Story?
How do you write a technical User Story? Writing Technical User Stories Features are often tightly coupled and co-dependent. Features touch multiple parts of the system (or systems) Small changes can have far-reaching impact — lots of nuances to consider. Hard to keep end-user value top of mind or explain value to stakeholders. How Product…
What is the point of extended reality?
What is the point of extended reality? Extended reality (XR) is a term that encompasses real and virtual environments that are generated by wearable devices or computer technology to provide an immersive experience. It can also be described as a collection of all immersive technologies that combine real and virtual worlds. What does XR mean…
Is working out for 2 hours OK?
Is working out for 2 hours OK? Working Out 2 Hours Per Day? Experts usually recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of daily activity for overall health and well being. However, if you are new to exercise, a 2 hour workout can do more harm than good. Start with 15 minute sessions, then gradually at…