Who would win Saitama or Dr Manhattan? While Saitama could probably match Doctor Manhattan punch-for-punch, Manhattan was never really a traditionally physical type of superhero. It is Manhattan’s dominion over time, space and matter itself that gives him the edge over the unassuming manga superhero. Who would win Goku or Dr Manhattan? Originally Answered: Who…
Category: Guidelines
What is moral Judgement history?
What is moral Judgement history? Child (1951, 298) defines moral judgment in history as judgement on motives which prompt the action of his subject matters to be perceived as “good, bad, bold, cowardly, treacherous, stupid and so forth”. What is moralistic Judgement? Moral judgment refers to the determination a person makes about an action (or…
What makes an artist great?
What makes an artist great? Good artists turn that energy into something beautiful. They use it to fuel their creativity and make work that resonates with others. Anyone can be an artist, but you can recognize a great artist by how their work makes others feel. Art at its core should make you feel something….
What are 10 superstitions?
What are 10 superstitions? 18 Superstitions from Around the World 1. “ Knocking on Wood” Indo-European, Celtic, or possibly British. 2. “ Throwing Salt Over Your Shoulder” 3. “ Walking Under a Ladder” 4. “ Broken Mirror” 5. “ Step on a Crack, Break Your Mother’s Back” 6. “ Lucky Pennies” 7. “ Lucky Horseshoe”…
Why is Pi Day March 14th?
Why is Pi Day March 14th? Every year on March 14, the world celebrates Pi Day to recognise the mathematical constant, Pi. It defines as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter and the value for Pi is 3.14. diameter and its value is 3.14. The following number is 14, hence the March…
What do dogs use their paws for?
What do dogs use their paws for? Yes, they are made for walking, as well as running, playing fetch, stretching, and high-fiving. But the intricate workings of a dog’s paws also help with temperature control, offer protection from various terrain, and provide enhanced stability for licking a bone or a toy. What are cat paws…
How Should fats be stored?
How Should fats be stored? Fats should be stored in cool or cold and dark conditions and sealed, so they are not exposed to air—never in a warm pantry. We store our vegetable oil, olive oil, and shortening in a dark, fifty-degree room. Why is it important to store fats and oils in tightly covered…
Do skateparks cost a lot to maintain?
Do skateparks cost a lot to maintain? Public skateparks are almost always free. When they charge money, it’s usually in the form of a municipal fee. What is the biggest indoor skatepark? Top 10 Indoor Skateparks Burnside Park, Commonwealth, Oregon. BaySixty6, England. Cream City, Wisconsin. The Block, California. Ramp1, England. Skatelab, California. Rush, England. Rush…
Are sports bread and circuses?
Are sports bread and circuses? Big time sports has become the ‘bread and circuses’ of our time. ‘Bread and Circuses’ was a phrase originating in Roman times by Juvenal who saw Roman citizens becoming concerned only with those two issues in life. The circuses referred to were games held to entertain the public, including gladiators…
What happens when two stars orbit each other?
What happens when two stars orbit each other? As the two stars orbit each other they pass in front of one another and their combined brightness, seen from a distance, decreases. What is a star system with two stars orbiting each other called? Binary stars are two stars orbiting a common center of mass. How…