Do people live at Mont-Saint-Michel? It’s actually a village with residents It’s important to keep in mind upon visiting that the Mont Saint-Michel isn’t a fabricated tourist destination and is home to 44 inhabitants, including the monks and nuns that reside in the Abbey. How many people can live in Mont-Saint-Michel? The village of Mont-Saint-Michel,…
Category: Guidelines
Why are the bags under my eyes purple?
Why are the bags under my eyes purple? It’s more common in people with darker skin. Sun exposure, which stimulates the production of this pigment, can make the circles appear darker. In people with fairer, thinner skin, blood vessels may be more visible, especially under the eye, and they can give the area a blue…
How do you annotate a school poem?
How do you annotate a school poem? Annotating Poetry Read poem carefully. Look up any unknown words and define them. Label rhyme scheme. Identify figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery) Identify sound devices (repetition, alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia) What is the easiest way to annotate? Underlining and Highlighting Underlining or highlighting is the most…
Are pet squirrels legal in India?
Are pet squirrels legal in India? Says Jose Louies of the Wildlife Trust of India, “According to The Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, it is illegal to keep as pets any animal or bird that is found in the wild.” He adds, “So while Indian species are protected in the country, they are not protected…
What type of supernova happens when a star exceeds 8 solar masses and explode?
What type of supernova happens when a star exceeds 8 solar masses and explode? Type II supernovae Type II supernovae For a star to explode as a Type II supernova, it must be at several times more massive than the sun (estimates run from eight to 15 solar masses). Like the sun, it will eventually…
Who should marry who in Fire Emblem fates?
Who should marry who in Fire Emblem fates? 16 Best Fire Emblem Fates Marriage Options (Updated!) Camilla. Camilla, at first glance, is absolutely gorgeous. Xander. Xander is the mature older “brother” next in line for the throne of Nohr, and has one of the cutest supports with female Corrin. Azura. Takumi. Rinkah. Jakob. Niles. Oboro….
Can world hunger be solved by 2030?
Can world hunger be solved by 2030? Yes. 193 countries have signed an agreement committing to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030. The United Nations Division for Sustainable Development Goals (#2) states “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.” How can we deal with poverty and hunger? Top 10…
What is the right time to read Gita?
What is the right time to read Gita? If your question is, “When should we read Bhagavad Gita?”, the answer is – anytime. The Gita is not a book that has a time frame for study. It can be read even in the dead of the night. You will derive the same benefit as you…
What caused zealandia to sink?
What caused zealandia to sink? Zealandia’s watery fate was sealed by the motions of two tectonic plates that lay beneath it: the southernmost Pacific Plate and its northern neighbor, the Indo-Australian plate. The slow separation caused Zealandia to sink, and by the late Cretaceous period (some 66 million years ago) much of it was underwater….
How do I stop my child from going bad for Christmas?
How do I stop my child from going bad for Christmas? 6 Ways to avoid overly-spoiling your child this Christmas Get them involved. Charitable acts of kindness. Set budgets. Creating a wish list. Let them give instead. Ignore peer pressure. What can I do instead of celebrating Christmas? 7 Fun Yet Non-Traditional Ways to Celebrate…