Will the light bulb that is not broken still turn on in this circuit? Regular incandescents won’t consume any electricity if the bulb is dead, since there’s no continuous path for the current to take. It’s just like an open switch. With CFLs and LEDs, it depends on why the bulb burned out, but in…
Category: Guidelines
When was the sewing first invented?
When was the sewing first invented? On August 12th, 1851, Isaac Merritt Singer patented what’s known as the first modern and practical sewing machine. Though patent and legal disputes abounded around this time, Singer was eventually able to formalize an affordable payment plan for his machines, bringing them into many American households. How long has…
What are the uses and sources of alkyl halides?
What are the uses and sources of alkyl halides? Alkyl halides are among the most versatile compounds in the chemical industry. Small haloalkanes are some of the most commonly used solvents in chemical laboratories; chlorofluorocarbons have seen widespread use as refrigerants and propellants; and compounds containing both Br and F are often used in fire…
Which field is best for hacking?
Which field is best for hacking? Comparing Best Ethical Hacking Courses Course Name Requirements Duration The Complete Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced (Udemy) Anyone seeking a career as an ethical hacker 22 hours Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking (Cybrary) A good internet connection will suffice 13.5 hours Should I learn web development or ethical hacking?…
Why does uranium-238 alpha decay?
Why does uranium-238 alpha decay? Uranium-238 decays by alpha emission into thorium-234, which itself decays by beta emission to protactinium-234, which decays by beta emission to uranium-234, and so on. The various decay products, (sometimes referred to as “progeny” or “daughters”) form a series starting at uranium-238. Why does U 238 not undergo fission? U-…
Should I send a letter of intent to a medical school?
Should I send a letter of intent to a medical school? We recommend sending a letter of intent a month after your interview (at least a month), whether you’re placed on the waitlist or haven’t heard back yet. It would be acceptable to send a second letter of intent two months after your initial one,…
How do Claymores go off?
How do Claymores go off? Unlike a conventional land mine, the Claymore is command-detonated and directional, meaning it is fired by remote-control and shoots a pattern of metal balls into the kill zone like a shotgun. The Claymore fires steel balls out to about 100 m (110 yd) within a 60° arc in front of…
How do you dance like a KPOP Idol?
How do you dance like a KPOP Idol? How to learn K-pop dance at home Choose a suitable K-pop dance choreography. Choose a member to copy from. Source for good mirrored dance videos on YouTube. Set small goals and divide the choreography. Find a learning style that works best for you. Break down difficult steps….
Why SnCl2 is more ionic than SnCl4?
Why SnCl2 is more ionic than SnCl4? SnCl2 is more ionic than SnCl4 : Reason : As SnCl4 show Sn 4+ oxidation state and tends to have higher positive charge and its size is smaller than Sn 2+ i.e Sn4 + polarise Cl- more than the Sn2+ ion i.e SnCl4 is covalent in nature. Hence…
Are National Guard soldiers considered veterans?
Are National Guard soldiers considered veterans? Yes, National Guard members can, indeed, be considered U.S. Veterans as of 2016. The Honor America’s Guard-Reserve Retirees Act was passed, giving retired Guardsmen and women the chance to earn Veteran status in the eyes of the law. Is National Guard considered active duty for fafsa? Answer Yes to…